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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

Responder Resilience Guest, Peter Benson January 11, 2023
CEO and Creator of Tensor Ring Energy Pendants

Peter Benson was a normal “mechanic and engineering technician” when he experienced a major awakening process that opened up his connection to his Higher Self and the Angelic Realm. He discovered his angelic origins as part of Archangel Michael’s army of light. Guided by Archangel Michael and Ascended Masters, Peter was guided to create profound Tensor technology with palpable healing properties. His research and creations led him to build Tensor rings (all cubits), crystal-infused anklets & pendants, Merkaba, healing coils, sound frequency amplifiers, PTSD restoratives, and more

Dare To Dream Guest, DAVID AVOCADO WOLFE January 07, 2023
Nutritionist, Herbalist, Health Expert, Beauty Expert

I’m speaking with David “Avocado” Wolfe who is the rock star and Indiana Jones of the superfoods and longevity universe. The world’s top CEOs, ambassadors, celebrities, athletes, artists, and the real superheroes of this planet—Moms—all look to David for expert advice in health, beauty, herbalism, nutrition, and chocolate! He is the visionary founder and president of the non-profit The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation charity with a mission to plant 18 billion fruit, nut, and medicinal trees on planet Earth.

Hear David Speak Live at the L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023


Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Casper Stockham January 06, 2023
Conservative Republican candidate in Colorado's 7th congressional district


With my Pro-Voice Initiatives I will be YOUR lobbyist in DC while addressing and solving real problems at home! We need bold New Leadership with a New Vision and a New Plan!

I’m a Gulf War veteran; I’m a 100% un-hyphenated American! I love my country and I support President Trump with words and deeds.

I moved to Colorado in 1989 and in that time, I’ve seen the state move further and further to the left and elect more and more Democrats who are pushing an extreme socialist agenda.

So, I’m running for Congress to defeat my opponents on a Pro-American and Free-Market platform.

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Bonnie Serratore January 05, 2023
Master Energy Tracker, Healer

Bonnie Serratore is a Master Energy Tracker & Healer.

She accelerates personal healing and growth, furthering one’s spiritual path at a quantum level.

She accomplishes this by clearing the individual of unhealed trauma, limiting beliefs and foreign energies from all time and space, so that the expression of one’s Divine self can shine through. 

Bonnie has honed her shamanic healing skills through direct personal experience, and from working with clients and students.

She utilizes the White Light of Creation and does not rely on spirit guides or trance-inducing tools to heal, thus giving her the ability to navigate with clarity the unseen territories of the human emotional and energetic bodies, to help uplift humanity to higher vibrations.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Nancy Perpall January 04, 2023
Nurse, Attorney, Writer

Nancy Perpall is a retired second career divorce lawyer, her first career was in nursing. She published widely as both a nurse and as an attorney. She resides in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, with her husband.

You can connect with Nancy on Facebook at or visit her website, to sign up for her blog, newsletter and learn about new release, Around Which All Things Bend. This romance novel written in upmarket style is receiving rave reviews.  It is available on  Amazon, Barnes & Noble and anywhere books are sold.

Articles, Headlines, Featured Guests, New Music and Discussion Posts

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
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Guests, Judd Dunning and Ron Hanks Author and commentator Judd Dunning points out the dangers of “…

Responder Resilience Podcast-Dispatch-First On Scene-The Forgotten Responders
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Dispatch - First On Scene, The Forgotten Responders ⚑ On this episode, David speaks with 911…

Tom Davis
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Our guest, Congressman Tom Davis, Architect of the DC Voting Rights Act - Marília and I will speak…

ICLCJ - International Common Law Court of Justice

Article By : BBS Radio TV Staff -

Why does this convicted felon/Big Pharma CEO not want you to know of the crimes of her company
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Why does this convicted felon/Big Pharma CEO not want you to know of the crimes of her company…

ICLCJ - International Common Law Court of Justice
Finding Your Peace with Shelly J Miller
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Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller Copyright 2022, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights…

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
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Fighting for election integrity… Christian Adams with the Public Interest Legal Foundation talks…

The Taboos
Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - The Taboos are a three-piece contemporary Indie/Alternative Rock band based in Southern England. Their sound is very diverse, varying from punchy anthem-esque choruses, to catchy and alluring melodic pop

The Planetoids
Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - The Planetoids single 'Falling Gently' takes listeners to distant galaxies with plenty of glitter and melancholy

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
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Guest, Judd Dunning What columnist Judd Dunning calls “The Anger Games” are falling apart as the…

Jonas Carping
Music Playing on BBS Radio

New Music By : BBS Radio TV Staff - Jonas Carping is an independent artist based in Lund, Sweden, and his Debut album All The Time In The World reached critical acclaim in the underground blogosphere