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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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The Sports Doctor February 20, 2019
Interviewing The Legends Guest, Tom Dreesen February 26, 2019

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Tom Dreesen’s life is equal parts comedy and philanthropy. He excels at both and has created an extraordinary legacy in both arenas.

Dreesen has made over 500 appearances on national television as a stand-up comedian, including more than 60 appearances on The Tonight Show. He is a favorite guest of David Letterman, and frequently hosted the show in Letterman’s absence. For 13 years he toured cross country and opened for Frank Sinatra, and has appeared countless times in Las Vegas, Tahoe, Reno and Atlantic City with artists like Smokey Robinson, Liza Minnelli, Natalie Cole and Sammy Davis, Jr. Tom has acted in numerous television shows – from Columbo to Murder She Wrote – and appeared in motion pictures including Man on the Moon and Spaceballs. He has recorded comedy albums, starred in his own TV comedy special, Dreesen Street, and hosted a late-night talk show in Chicago, Night Time Starring Tom Dreesen.

He is currently appearing to rave reviews around the country in his one-man show “An Evening of Laughter and Memories of Sinatra.”

Dreesen’s comic style is down-to-earth, warm and unpretentious. Daily Variety called him “a thorough pro… one of the most respected family comedians of our time.” Larry Wilde, author of The Great Comedians said about Tom’s performances. “Excellent Material, Impeccable Timing, Tom Dreesen is the Quintessential Comedian.” Frank Sinatra, who called himself a “saloon singer,” characterized Dreesen as a “saloon comedian.” “We’re a couple of neighborhood kind of guys,” said Sinatra.

Dreesen has also made an indelible mark with his philanthropic activities. For 30 years he has lent his talent to over 100 charities and founded a “Day for Darlene” to benefit Multiple Sclerosis Research. He ran 26 miles on three occasions for the event, which is named for his late sister who was afflicted with MS.

And he’s still going strong. A proud veteran of the United States Navy, he continues to perform for US troops all over the world, and recently appeared at numerous bases in Iraq. Tom Dreesen’s hometown of Harvey, Illinois named a street after him. He was a 2005 recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.

Purchase Tim and Tom: An American Comedy in Black and White Hardcover – September 15, 2008 by Tim Reid  (Author), Tom Dreesen (Author), Ron Rapoport  (Author) -available at amazon

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Pat Duckworth February 19, 2019
International public speaker, author, personal development coach

Pat Duckworth is a personal development coach, author, international public speaker and Founder of Smarter Menopause. After over 30 years working in the public sector at a senior management level, Pat discovered her entrepreneurial mojo in her mid-50s and retrained as a therapist and coach. Since then she has published four books. Pat’s fourth book, ‘Hot Women Rock; How to discover your midlife entrepreneurial mojo’, was published in 2016 and became a #1 International Bestseller.

She is passionate about inspiring women to get the best from their lives, no matter what their age, and supports women through her speaking, books, hypnotherapy and NLP work. Pat is based in England, U.K and speaks on global stages worldwide.
Lets Find Out Guest, Jodie Senkyrik February 17, 2019
Transpersonal Counseling

Jodie Senkyrik began having psychic experiences growing up, but didn’t begin his spiritual study until his early 20’s during the 1980’s. He began giving clairvoyant readings in 1985, yet broadened his clairvoyant readings with a background in psychology, being trained in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and having earned an M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology in 1993 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate School for Holistic Studies.

Jodie has been, and is still, a regular workshop presenter in the Texas area for the A.R.E. during their Spring and Fall retreats since 2001, as well as his own retreats, having given workshops on such topics as The Karmic Connection to the 9-11 Attack, A Psychic View of Love & Death, Psychic Ability in Human Beings, Meditating for Answers, Prayer without Words, Atlantis, the Atlantean Hall of Records, Creating Heaven on Earth, and many others. His website and blog has posted 300 plus articles on spiritual and psychic topics.

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Joseph Tajalle February 21, 2019
Quantum Shamanic Healer, Matrix Energetics, Owner URTHealer

Joseph Tajalle is affectionately known as Chief Joseph.  His journey in this incarnation brought him from his birthplace of Okinawa, Japan - where he interacted with small galactic beings he called "the brownies" - to living in the United States.  Born of an Okinawan mother and a Cherokee father, it wasn't until Joseph was 17 years old that he found out the father he knew as his Dad - who was Guamanian - wasn't his biological father. His initiation journey at finding his biological father (who his mother told him was dead) is a story of Divine Synchronicity.

Joseph's passion for natural health started when, overcome with psoriasis and eczema on 98% of his body, he gave up on the pharmaceutically driven US medical system and their toxic chemicals and started researching the root cause of his ailment.  The long and winding road of Chiron, the wounded healer, brought him to an understanding that it was toxins in his body that was causing his immune system to be on overdrive - not his immune system attacking his body.  And with that knowledge he cleared himself of the psoriasis and eczema that was so bad at times he'd have to wrap his cracked and bloodied hands and feet in bandages.  His investigative journey also introduced him to an Arapaho-Iriquois Medicine Man who was also an Ortho-Molecular Biologist.  

From that introduction Joseph developed his proprietary chelation product called SuperShotz* and the topical StopItch* under his business URTHealer - for YOU are the Healer.  For people called to heal their body naturally, this chelation process (which includes the product, cleanses and awareness of the toxins in your life) provides a pathway out of many conditions if one is willing to do the work. 

In addition to Joseph's passion for natural health, he is also an experiencer, Sun Dancer, energetic healer and avid student of the downfall of the Archon Network.

*Anecdotal evidence only:  StopItch/SuperShotz are natural supplements which are required to carry the following labeling:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult with your Health Care Practitioner before starting this or any other program.

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