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I define conflict as being wholly related to our understanding (of the concept) of âchangeâ. Conflict is an essential element in the dynamics of change. Change is an ever present force in the universe. There is a mystical saying that the âpresent is perfectâ. Change exists in the moment. Conflict is a catalyst or activator for change. Therefore, we can say that conflict is part of the process of perfection. Without conflict (or change) personal growth will not take place. Personal growth leads to spiritual evolution and the expansion of consciousness.

My Higher Consciousness has been pre-occupied with the meaning of “conflict”. In my book, Illusion of the Body, I discussed the “Constructive Conflict Theory”. My Higher Power is interested in using conflict to produce positive outcomes.

I define conflict as being wholly related to our understanding (of the concept) of “change”. Conflict is an essential element in the dynamics of change. Change is an ever present force in the universe. There is a mystical saying that the “present is perfect”. Change exists in the moment. Conflict is a catalyst or activator for change. Therefore, we can say that conflict is part of the process of perfection. Without conflict (or change) personal growth will not take place. Personal growth leads to spiritual evolution and the expansion of consciousness.

Conflict is any action or movement that affects or disturbs consciousness beings which occupy the space outside ones-self. Our presence in the universe causes conflict to the particles, atoms, and energies around us. As consciousness expands into space, it pushes out established energies.

Change can be uncomfortable. Avoiding change literally means rejecting new experiences. We learn from our experiences. So, resisting change essentially means we are depriving ourselves of personal growth.

Energy must continually move and to be productive. When change does not occur . . . energy becomes stale. It is no longer vital. You could say energy becomes dark when it is not moving. Darkness does not like change. Darkness will oppose change. It will resist moving from the space it resides in. Conflict will become necessary in order to make change happen.

Conflict does necessarily mean war. Conflict comes in many forms including intellectual debates, negotiation, meditation, conciliation, and protesting. Sports is a usually a healthy form of conflict. We call it “competition”. Taken in this light, conflict is used to test the human spirit. It challenges us to be at our personal best.

My final word on this matter is that change can be a positive experience.

Heraclitus said: “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”

Blessings <3

~ David Almeida,
Author and Mystic