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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Dare To Dream Guest, GLENN HARROLD September 24, 2020
An author, musician and experienced clinical hypnotherapist.

Want to live an abundant and prosperous life? My guest is Glenn Harrold who is an author, musician and experienced clinical hypnotherapist who has helped thousands of clients over a wide range of stress related problems. He has combined his hypnotherapy skills with an extensive recording knowledge to produce a uniquely effective series of high quality hypnosis recordings that have been downloaded over 10 million times and are well established as the UK's bestselling self-help audio titles of all time. Glenn also writes self-help books for Orion in the UK and McGraw Hill in the USA and produces hypnotherapy CDs, has been at Number 1 in the self-help audio chart every year for the last 7 years, and in 2006 was awarded a gold disc for sales of over £250,000. Glenn has 20 years’ experience as a clinical hypnotherapist in one to one therapy sessions, and in recent years he has worked with many high profile and celebrity clients. In May 2011 he was made a fellow of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis for his achievements in the world of hypnotherapy.  FREE GIFT, Mindfulness for Releasing Anxiety MP3 and Self Hypnosis Guide PDF eBook:

Life Changes Show Guest, Ginetta M September 21, 2020
Trumpet player, singer and composer


Peace Thru Music…

Meet Ginetta M. ,the “Triple threat Female powerhouse” who plays pocket trumpet, sings & composes. Leading her acclaimed Jazzy, funk ,original  band Ginetta’s Vendetta (c.) around the world from Moscow to Jakarta, Paris to Beirut, Jamaica to California, Canada and Mexico, she continues to spread her gospel of “Peace Thru Music ” & considers herself an ambassador of goodwill representing her hometown of NYC & the U.S.A.  2019 was yet another banner year for Ginetta’s Vendetta, cementing her status as an internationally acclaimed artist & bandleader, with her most recent “Diplomatic Immunity Tour 2019 “. It took her (with her band) to the lovely country Of Moldova in Eastern Europe, where they represented America’s greatest export: Jazz,  at the “America Days” Festival. They traveled to various parts of the country & got to meet, and play for, Ambassador Dereck J. Hogan.

She also recorded her 5th (!) CD: “Pocketful Of Cool” (released 9/21/19) which is currently rising on the Jazz Charts & on the Grammy Ballot 2020 in 7 categories! It is still garnering fabulous reviews, both international & Domestic. (See them on the “Press Page”)  She added yet another Country to her list when she traveled to the Cayman Islands to play at the Masque Ball & Carnival in May. Not to mention her annual tour thru Mexico, which includes Mexico City, San Miguel Allende, Ajijic, Guadalajara & beyond! Ginetta’s Vendetta’s previous “Diplomatic Immunity Tour 2018”  took her to Moscow where she played  at the U.S. embassy for Ambassador John Huntsman Jr. and dozens of visiting dignitaries! Her tour continued through the Russian Far East, headlining The Vladivostok International Jazz Festival, then onto Nahodka,Yuzhno-Sakalinsk, Khabarovsk & beyond!! Treated like a rock star with tour buses, suites, television appearances, numerous Radio interviews, podcasts & press in major publications, Ginetta added thousands of new fans in Russia. 

For 2 years in a row  (2017 ,2018) Ginetta’s Vendetta was the house band on the yacht “Manhattan” playing jazz in the summer & Christmas carols in the winter. They sailed up & down the Hudson river and to the Statue of Liberty daily  with magnificent views of the city. She is always a festival favorite and played with her band Ginetta’s Vendetta (c.) at The San Jose Jazz  Summerfest 2017 and co-headlined an appearance (with organist Tony Monaco!) at the biggest Jazz Festival in the world, The Java Jazz  Festival 2015, along with Headliners Chaka Khan & Chris Botti! (Her & Botti were both reviewed in the  Indonesian press as “Trumpets of Death”, one widely known & the other up & coming, Me)  Other festivals include The Prishtina Jazz Festival, The Vladivostok International Festival (previously mentioned), The St. John Blues festival, The Gainesville Jazz Festival, The Bellayre Music Festival, The Hudson Black Arts Fest, The Ocho Rios Jazz Festival  (7 times) & various NYC & Jersey Summer Festivals.

Her first Jazz CD (her 3rd as a bandleader) “Standards”  was in the top 20 on the National JazzWeek charts & again on the Grammy ballot in 9 categories, including Best Instrumental Soloist & Best Arrangement with Vocals. Following up her previous success with the Jazz format,  she then recorded her 4th CD: “Little Big Horn in 2015. It contained more classics including a magnificent rendition of  The Beatles “Yesterday” & her much acclaimed version of the iconic Lee Morgan tune: “Sidewinder.  “Little Big Horn was also on the Grammy ballot in 10 categories including Best Improvised Jazz Solo & Best Arranger. 

Her 2nd CD: “Land On My Feet” was also a contender on the 55th  annual Grammy  ballot  in 5 categories including  Best Pop Song for a Duo or a Group with her original tune: “Choose Love”. Plus the title track was chosen for the Supercuts “Rock The Cut” campaign. Her Debut CD: “La Dolce Vita” includes the haunting ballad : “Can Our Tears Put Out the fire?”, winner of an Honorable Mention in the Billboard World song contest. It was commissioned in the wake of September 11th. “La Dolce Vita” also recieved 2 more billboard awards for her original tunes: “I Believe in You” & “Behind Those Eyes”.  She is the recipient of four (4) AscaPlus awards for songwriting, The Music Liberty initiative of NY award, “The Best Of” award from Soul Patrol  plus letters of commendations from various festivals & many more accolades too numerous to mention. Ginetta is an alumna of the famed music school North Texas State University, and has decades of experiance on the road & in the studio. Her recordings as a “sideman” exceed count & her distinctive sound can be heard covering a variety of styles  from Compa, Salsa, R & B & Jazz  to Pop, horn sectionals, Singer-songwriter, Indie artist & more!

In the early years she played with many Latin, Compa, Calypso, Merengue & Salsa bands, taking her on tours through Puerto Rico, Haiti, South America, Martenique & Guadeloupe.She also spent a Carnival season in Trinidad with her female horn section Amazon Brass. Blues was also a defining factor in her musical evolution and she was an honorary “Holmes Sister” with the incredible “Holmes Brothers” band, playing with them for years and touring with them thru Canada, Nova Scotia and New England. She was always added to the horn section of Blues Legend Albert Collins whenever he came to NYC.  A two-year stint at the biggest Russian club in NYC “The National” was followed by 3 more years on the road w/ the show band “Waterfront” covering the casino & hotel circuit. She also was the sole horn player &  featured soloist for the American debut tour of The Boo Radleys, covering 45 states in 7 weeks! Playing at The Blue Note in Beirut in 2005, then again in 2010 gave her an opportunity to expand her fan base across the globe. The 2010 tour also included 2 television appearances on the Middle  East version of MTV.

A featured performer at the St. John Blues Festival gave Ginetta yet another stage to conquer, this time in the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands. She headlined at The Hudson Black Arts Fest 2 years in a row, plus a 2 week engagement in Las Vegas with her band. This won her many new fans in the entertainment capitol as well as a rave review from “Las Vegas City Life” calling her a “Poolside Patsy Kline”.  Her need, however, to lead a band, sing, play and compose was the defining factor in the creation of “Ginetta’s Vendetta”. Formed years ago, the band is comprised of the basic “power trio” of guitar, bass & drums, with the occasional addition of Piano & Saxaphone for recordings. Ginetta’s Vendetta has held weekly residencies at the Trump Soho Hotel, The World Bar, Vic & Anthonys  (3 Nights a week), The Harlem Tavern, Farafina Supper Club, Baby Brasa, Jules & various NYC institutions which complete her busy itinerary in between her travels.

With radio stations from Canada to Mexico & all points in between playing her CDs, myriad radio interviews and stellar press in a dozen languages, Ginetta continually forges ahead making each year better than the last! Playing only the funkiest version of the Jazz classics & singing her danceable originals, Ginetta commands any stage with her signature pocket trumpet, sultry vocals & special brand of high-octane entertainment. She is a multidimensional entertainer with a limitless supply of energy and versatility.

Life Changes Show Guest, Paul Laisure September 21, 2020
Research Electrician for NASA and retired Navy


Just turning 89, Paul was born and raised outside of Detroit Michigan, Paul grew up an Army brat and was often on the move.  His father stationed at Ft. Sill Oklahoma and then the family moved to Nanking where Paul spent some time immersed in the local culture until the age of 15 when they moved back to Oklahoma.  

Paul joined the Navy straight out of high school in 1950 and was stationed in San Diego California as a mine sweep sailor.  In 1952 Paul met Genevieve “Ginger” Laisure, the eventual mother of his 3 boys, Paul, Michael and Mark.  Paul and Ginger moved from Long Beach to Cleveland 1954.

The following year, in 1955, Paul was hired at NASA Lewis Research Center (now known as NASA Glenn Research Center) as an apprentice and spent 23 years as a research electrician assigned to various technical projects throughout the lab, most prominently, the “Zero G Research Facility.”  Zero G is still the only facility in the world of it’s kind.  It was originally designed and built during the space race era of the 1960s to support research and development of space flight components and fluid systems, in a weightless or microgravity environment.  The facility is honored as a landmark on the national registry.

Further in his career, Paul was promoted to technical services coordination officer managing the implementation of technical services installations throughout the lab.  Paul closed out his career as an administrative officer within the 80 person research team at the Engine Systems Division which managed all aspects of research and testing of breakthrough engine technologies.  

During his time at NASA, Paul exercised his creative muscles when he was elected to the Lewis Social Activates Committee; “LeSac.”  LeSac coordinated entertainment and social interactions between the 5000-person lab and the city of Cleveland. Paul was also a member of the NASA Speakers Bureau and gave presentations to High Schools and Universities in the greater Cleveland area.

In 1982, Paul took an early retirement option to pursue a life in St. Petersburg, Florida and other endeavors like craftsman work and boating.

Life Changes Show Guest, Tia Alexander September 14, 2020


Tia Alexander was born in Culver City California and raised in West Covina, right on the outskirts of Los Angeles. With her young tomboyish style, she lived a bold life of independence and daring resilience.

Always living life on the edge, you couldn’t catch her sitting still in one place too long. Everyday a new adventure was created and spontaneity was her super power.

When Tia Graduated from Walnut high School in 1999, she moved to Las Vegas, Nevada and began studying to be a Neonatal Nurse.  Through convention modeling for various brands, and through landing her first national commercial at 19 to boot, she began to pave the way to a viable career. While traveling back and forth to Hollywood to become union in the Screen Actors Guild, the young pioneer saved up enough money to buy a house at 23 and subsequently moved back to LA.

As her career continued, she stayed in search of a new agent in new regions.

She ventured to NYC to experience the market. Landing in the Big Apple without representation was daunting, but she was driven by the challenge of the unknown and she was willing to begin again at the bottom in search of new opportunity. After 2 years of building her portfolio and establishing new clientele, she returned home to Los Angeles to further her career in Hollywood.

At very moment in time that her agent brokered a deal for Tia to launch JC Pennies’ first fitness line, she found out she was 3 months pregnant. But while some might perceive her pregnancy to be a career impediment, Tia sees it as a blessing that only expanded greater opportunities. Initially thinking this would be counterproductive to her career…little did she know she would embark on an even more inspiring career journey than she could have ever envisioned.

After giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, she signed with Wilhelmina Models agency and leaned heavily on her fitness lifestyle to enter the fitness modeling world. This ultimately took her career to another level. This single parent blossomed into a mother with ambition and drive. After thriving in Hollywood, she now works internationally, traveling the world with her son to expose him to bigger ideas than just the American Dream. Tia currently resides in South Africa where her new journey begins and the adventures continue for “The Model Mommy” and her son Alexander.

Life Changes Show Guest, Nacho Arimany September 14, 2020
Neuro-composer (musician for the brain) multi instrumentalist and international speaker


Nacho Arimany Neuro-composer (musician for the brain) multi instrumentalist and international speaker.

Nacho is a master ethnic percussionist, multi-instrumentalist and composer whose music career began at age six as a classical piano student and singer with the Spanish National Choir and Orchestra. He possesses a highly unique blend of talents and diverse capabilities as a producer, performer and musician for the brain.

Creator of the Arimany Method, an innovative voice and movement technique that promotes peak performance and brain coherence through body and brain waves entrainment with natural harmonic patterns , and Co-producer and composer of “ InTime”, a fully orchestrated rhythmic based sound therapeutic listening program designed for brain health and brain performance co-produced with Sheila Allen and Alex Doman for Advanced Brain Technologies distributed in 35 countries for the treatment of Autism, Brain damage, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s and depression. 

Arimany has tought world wide and participated as a speaker in panel discussions and conferences with Neuroscientists Medical Doctors  at institutions like Rockefeller University, UCLA 2018 Integrative Medicine Mental Health Summit at Semel Institute for neuroscience and human Behavior , 2018 UCLA Healing Arts Summit,  2018 Feel Good Summit hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman MD, Summit Series LA , and 2019 Synapse Music and Neurology conference in St. Petersburg , Russia.

Since 2005, He has been teaching workshops and master classes in Universities , Conservatoires and Cultural institutions around the World such as , New York University Steinhardt , Lowell University in Massachusetts , Conservatoire National d’Argel (Argelia), Universidad Tecnológica de Monterrey (Mexico), Omachi Primitive art Festival and cultural center (Japan 2015) and Summer Blossom Healing arts Festival in Beijing July 2017 (China).

As an artist he has performed as a vocal and percussion soloist at venues and events such as New York Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall with Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra,  Dolby Theatre Los Angeles with Grammy Awarded composer Hamid Saeidi, and as guest artist at the 2017 Latin Grammy Awards . 

Arimany started his Sound Practice for transformation and Healing in 2005 in Mexico, and once he moved to New York in 2009 and got graduated at The New York Open Center Sound and Music Institute , he started developing his own private sound therapy practice treating kids with autism and and adults with anxiety , depression and trauma. Since then he has treated hundreds of individuals around the world using Elemental Sounds & Rhythms and The Arimany Method.

“Nacho Arimany uses Rhythm and Sound to bridge ancient traditions , neuroscience and neurotechnology restoring wellness and health in individuals and communities offering new models for health, human connection and social development.” WORLZD conference 2019

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