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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Luminescence Guest, Sandy Anastasi March 10, 2022
psychic, astrologer

Sandy has been a professional psychic and astrologer since 1979. She holds a B.S. degree from Adelphi University and has teaching certifications in several fields. In addition to teaching, Sandy has worked as a Safety Engineer, and owned her own small bookstore for many years before retiring to become a fulltime psychic counselor, writer and teacher. Sandy’s writings include books on Astrology, Kabbala, and Tarot, as well as psychic development. Internationally renowned psychic channel Sandy Anastasi has established herself as one of the preeminent teachers of our time. With more than 30 years of experience, Sandy is a leading expert in Psychic Development, Astrology and Tarot. Through Sandy’s classes, workshops, lectures and appearances, she is able to share her knowledge to help people enhance their lives. Sandy was a significant contributor to psychic medium John Edward’s Web site, InfiniteQuest.Com, which launched June 12th, 2009, and provided valuable insight alongside some of the nation’s top metaphysical teachers for three years. Sandy has also appeared on many radio and television shows over the years, most notably Crossing Over and Cross Country – both television shows hosted by her good friend and former student, John Edward.

Infinite Quest by John Edward – “This book is dedicated to Sandy Anastasi for helping me harness and train my ability, and shape and develop my teaching.” — Psychic Medium John Edward

With more than 30 years of teaching experience, Sandy Anastasi has been successfully training students, teachers, and professional psychics worldwide how to open, develop, and master their psychic abilities. Created from her live workshop material, the Anastasi System of Psychic Development is ideally suited for the aspiring psychic, channel, or psychic medium. I’m so pleased that Sandy has agreed to join me the second week of every odd month right here on Luminescence, Common Sense Spirituality Radio show.

Dare To Dream Guest, CONJURE QUEEN March 10, 2022
CONJURE QUEEN an international Public Speaker, Spiritual Advisor, Holistic Healer, and Mentor.

This episode features a conversation about Magick and Spirituality.  

My guest is CONJURE QUEEN, an international Public Speaker, Spiritual Advisor, Holistic Healer, and Mentor. With her controversial discussions, compassion for her community, and carefree down to earth Brooklyn attitude, people naturally gravitated towards her message and her YouTube channel exploded! Today, she integrates her own spiritual journey and personal life experiences to help inspire, motivate, and educate millions of people around the world towards truth, wisdom, freedom, and love.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Joel Franco March 09, 2022
Owner at Chesapeake Films, Director/Producer of “ Youth Sports in America-A documentary film- What’s behind a $15 Billion Industry”

Joel Franco tells compelling stories with an elegant voice, a crisp Italian sensibility and beautiful pictures. Franco’s experience, vision and intensity bring leadership, heart, and an eye for detail to his films. His understanding of the human condition and his passion for authenticity combine to create artistic, highly commercial works that draw the audience in and make them feel. Franco’s genuine desire to protect the integrity of each story and to bring out the best in the actors and crew have made him a trusted source for getting the job done. Colleagues trust his refreshing character and understand that he is a man of commitment and does what he says he will do, when he says he will do it.

Joel Franco was born in Italy and came to the United States in his late teens where he quickly immersed himself in American culture and film. According to Franco, “I have always admired American films. The American school of acting has a long history of producing great actors and I wanted to be a part of the world of film–a place where captivating stories are unveiled. The creation of film plays into my strengths: I love that magic is the result of the creative process. There must be passion to nurture the momentum of the story. And one must have intense focus to get the job done.” 

Influenced by American filmmaker Sidney Lumet for his vigorous storytelling and Italian director Robert Rossellini for his social realism, Franco is dedicated to staying true to the story in a fast paced, realistic and refined style. 

In 2006, Franco partnered with Solidaris LLC to found Chesapeake Films, LLC. Chesapeake Films has option agreements to produce several feature films and plans to produce two features per year in-house and to collaborate with established film companies for additional opportunities.

Joel Franco is a graduate of University of Maryland/Baltimore, a graduate of the USC-Universal Producing and Directing Program, and holds an M.F.A. in film production from the School of Film and Television at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Ellen Albertson March 09, 2022

I’m Dr. Ellen, the Grow and Glow Coach. I’ve been a Registered Dietitian for almost 25 years, and I’m also a PhD Psychologist, Certified Professional Health and Wellness Coach and Reiki Master. I currently have an international coaching practice where I empower women at midlife to live vibrant, meaningful, balanced lives. I also run a private nutrition practice in Vermont focusing on helping my clients make peace with their bodies and food and reach the highest level of wellbeing possible. In addition, I’m the Chair of the Nutrition Entrepreneurs, Coaches Specialty Group where I mentor and coach other dietitians.

As a nutrition expert and educator, I’ve appeared on Extra, the Food Network and NBC World News and been quoted in Psychology Today, Eating Well and USA Today. I’ve written for SELF, Better Homes & Gardens and Good Housekeeping. The author of four books and the former online Nutrition Expert for Women’s Health, Men’s Health and The Abs Diet, I’ve helped thousands of women overcome negative body image, emotional eating and change of life challenges.


Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Robert Spencer March 09, 2022
Author, Director of Jihad Watch

Robert Spencer, author of Rating America’s President

Director of Jihad Watch


ROBERT SPENCER is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is the author of twenty-one books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) (Regnery Publishing) and The Truth About Muhammad (Regnery Publishing) and the bestselling The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS (Bombardier Books). His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster (Bombardier Books).

Spencer has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the FBI, the United States Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), the Justice Department’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council and the U.S. intelligence community. He has discussed jihad, Islam, and terrorism at a workshop sponsored by the U.S. State Department and the German Foreign Ministry. He is a senior fellow with the Center for Security Policy.

Spencer is a weekly columnist for PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, and has written many hundreds of articles about jihad and Islamic terrorism. His articles on Islam and other topics have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Examiner, the New York Post, the Washington Times, the Dallas Morning NewsFox News OpinionNational ReviewThe FederalistThe Hill, the Detroit NewsTownHall.comReal Clear Religion, the Daily Caller, the New Criterion, the Journal of International Security Affairs, the UK’s Guardian, Canada’s National PostMiddle East QuarterlyWorldNet DailyFirst ThingsInsight in the NewsAleteia, and many other journals. For nearly ten years Spencer wrote the weekly Jihad Watch column at Human Events. He has also served as a contributing writer to the Investigative Project on Terrorism and as an Adjunct Fellow with the Free Congress Foundation.

Spencer has appeared on the BBC, ABC News, CNN, FoxNews’s Tucker Carlson Show, the O’Reilly Factor, Megyn Kelly’s The Kelly File, the Sean Hannity Show, Geraldo Rivera Reports, the Glenn Beck Show, Fox and Friends, America’s News HQ and many other Fox programs, PBS, MSNBC, CNBC, C-Span, CTV News, Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News, France24, Voice of Russia and Croatia National Television (HTV), as well as on numerous radio programs including The Sean Hannity Show, Bill O’Reilly’s Radio Factor, The Mark Levin Show, The Laura Ingraham Show, The Herman Cain Show, The Joe Piscopo Show, The Howie Carr Show, The Curt Schilling Show, Bill Bennett’s Morning in America, Michael Savage’s Savage Nation, The Alan Colmes Show, The G. Gordon Liddy Show, The Neal Boortz Show, The Michael Medved Show, The Michael Reagan Show, The Rusty Humphries Show, The Larry Elder Show, The Peter Boyles Show, Vatican Radio, and many others.

Robert Spencer has been a featured speaker at the University of California-Irvine, Temple University, Dartmouth College, Penn State University, the University of California-Los Angeles, Stanford University, New York University, Brown University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Virginia, State University of New York-Binghamton, State University of New York-Stony Brook, Florida State University, DePaul University, the College of William and Mary, Washington University of St. Louis, the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Boise State University, Cal Poly, Portland State University, and many other colleges and universities. He has also addressed the Heritage Foundation, Westminster Institute, the Gatestone Institute, the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance in New York City, the Hudson Institute, the Temple of the Arts in Los Angeles, the San Diego Jewish Book Fair, the Christian Rights and Freedom Institute, the Young Presidents’ Organization, Calvary Chapel Pacific Coast, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), FreedomFest, Young America’s Foundation, Hershey’s Sweet Retreat, the John W. Pope Civitas Institute, the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley, Train the Trainer, and many other audiences.

Spencer’s books have been translated into many languages, including Spanish, Italian, German, Finnish, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Bahasa Indonesia. His Qur’an commentary at Jihad Watch, Blogging the Qur’an, has been translated into Czech, Danish, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

Spencer (MA, Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) has been studying Islamic theology, law, and history in depth since 1980


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