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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Interviewing The Legends Guest, David Clayton Thomas February 18, 2020

D A V I D  C L A Y T O N -T H O M A S ​






Say Somethin'


Exclusive Interview!


GRAMMY Award-winning musician David Clayton-Thomas has announced the release of his latest album, Say Somethin’ — set for release March 20, 2020 via Linus Records.

Featuring singles “Never Again,” Clayton-Thomas’ powerful battle cry calling attention to the gun violence plaguing the U.S.; and “The System,” his insistent calls for action within the youth justice system, Say Somethin’ is a 10-track statement in the form of potent music and inspirational songwriting from the legendary artist. In addition, the album confronts many timely issues across today’s social spectrum, including climate change, immigration, and politics.

David Clayton-Thomas collaborated on Say Somethin with Canadian musicians Lou Pomanti, Eric St Laurent, Davide Direnzo, and George Koller.

David Clayton-Thomas began his amazing journey as a homeless street kid and developed into one of the most recognizable voices in music, to date selling over 40 million records. In 1996 he was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and in 2007 his jazz/rock composition “Spinning Wheel” was enshrined in the Songwriter’s Hall Of Fame. In 2010 David received his star on Canada’s Walk of Fame.

His 1968 debut album with Blood Sweat & Tears sold 10 million copies worldwide. The self-titled record topped the Billboard album chart for seven weeks, and charted for a staggering 109 weeks. It won an unprecedented five Grammy awards, including Album of the Year and Best Performance by a Male Vocalist. It featured three hit singles, “You Made Me So Very Happy,” “And When I Die” and “Spinning Wheel,” as well as an irresistible rendition of Billie Holiday’s “God Bless the Child” that became a signature song for David. A 1969 summary in the Los Angeles Times proclaimed that “Blood Sweat & Tears just may be the most important pop music group of the decade.”

In his 1974 autobiography, Clive: Inside the Record Business, Clive Davis, then president of Columbia Records, described his initial impression of hearing David Clayton-Thomas at New York’s Café Au Go Go: “He was staggering… a powerfully built singer who exuded an enormous earthy confidence. He jumped right out at you. I went with a small group of people, and we were electrified. He seemed so genuine, so in command of the lyric… a perfect combination of fire and emotion to go with the band’s somewhat cerebral appeal. I knew he would be a strong, strong figure.”

BS&T headlined at major venues around the world… Royal Albert Hall, The Metropolitan Opera, The Hollywood Bowl, Madison Square Garden and Caesar’s Palace, as well as the Newport Jazz Festival and Woodstock. It was the first contemporary band to break through the Iron Curtain with its historic 1970 tour of Eastern Europe.

Through the years, he has lost none of the attributes that have made him one of the greatest vocalists of his generation. That unmistakable voice now soaring and sunny, now a dark, somber shade of blue. He still just sings the hell out of a song.

“People like me don’t retire,” says David with his face in a wide grin around those storied, steel-blue eyes.”This is what I was put here to do”. With the BS&T years now behind him, look for an outpouring of new music from this gifted and fiercely creative artist.

Purchase the new album by David Clayton-Thomas

Politically Potent Album


 Say Somethin’

Newest Studio Album Set for Release March 20 on Linus Records

Pre-sale link:

Also available at on March 20th

For more information about David Clayton-Thomas

visit   … Facebook

Purchase David’s Autobiography



Dare To Dream Guest, PATTI STANGER January 29, 2020
an American businesswoman and reality television personality. She is best known for starring in and producing her own matchmaking reality series, The Millionaire Matchmaker, on Bravo TV.

Do you want to learn the secrets to infinite love and money? My guest, Patti Stanger is the star and executive producer of "The Millionaire Matchmaker." An experienced third-generation matchmaker, Stanger founded the Millionaire's Club, 20 years ago to take clients from the initial meeting through the marriage proposal, coaching members through each stage of the dating process. Stanger has successfully branched into television acting with feature roles on "Drop Dead Diva" and "Days of Our Lives." Her website features the latest advice on love, dating and relationships. Simon & Schuster has published Patti’s books, "Become Your Own Matchmaker," "Find Your Match," "Seal the Deal" and "Raise your Desirability Factor" with an audio coaching program "Attracting a Soul Mate." She was a featured columnist on People and in Star Magazine. Most recently, Patti created "P.S. Match" wines, which is available on wine and in specialty stores. Patti has a successful jewelry collection called Je'Taime. Her hit WETV show, "Million Dollar Matchmaker" led to other successful books including her latest audio book "Secret Millionaire Talks" and new eBook "Patti's Playbook." 

Shadow Politics Guest, Joe Sestak January 26, 2020
Democratic 2020 Presidential Candidate

Former 3-star Admiral Joe Sestak is an experienced, independent leader who served in the Navy for 31 years and then as the highest ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District.

When Joe Sestak’s daughter, Alex, was very young, she drew two red shoes and wrote above them, “Joe Sestak is Walking in Your Shoes.” Joe hung Alex’s drawing on his office wall to remind him of what service means: to walk in someone else’s shoes and see the world through another’s eyes.

Joe has walked in many different shoes in his life: as a father and a husband, as an officer and then an Admiral in the U.S. Navy, as a Congressman from Pennsylvania, and as he walked 422 miles across the state to speak with Americans during his Senate campaign.

It was the experience of Alex’s battle and defeat of brain cancer as a four year old child that moved her Dad to serve his country in Congress after 31 years of naval service. With her courage and the care she received from Joe’s military healthcare coverage, Alex beat that demon and Joe dedicated himself toward everyone having access to the same quality of healthcare. After resigning from the Navy and Alex’s recovery, he ran and won in a Republican District under the slogan, “National security begins at home, in health security.”

Joe Sestak is an experienced, independent leader who rose to the rank of 3-star Admiral.  He was the highest ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s Seventh Congressional District from 2007-2011. He commanded an aircraft carrier battle group that conducted combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq with 30 U.S. and allied ships and more than 15,000 sailors and 100 aircraft.  Joe served as President Clinton’s Director for Defense Policy on the National Security Council in the White House, the first Director of the Navy’s strategic anti-terrorism unit (Deep Blue) after 9/11, and the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Requirements responsible for the Navy’s five year $350 billion warfare requirements. As Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, he proposed a controversial reduction in ship-levels from 375 to 260 ships that proved unnerving to the military-industrial-congressional complex, advocating for a greater future capability by harnessing cyberspace, at less cost.

In addition to leading a series of operational commands at sea, Joe received a PhD in Political Economy and Government, and a Masters in Public Administration, from Harvard University.  But he is most proud of being dad to Alex and the husband of Susan, whom he somehow convinced to marry him, as she has also taught him much. This includes from work in international environmental issues, from Kazakhstan to Mozambique; Russian relations, even into Soviet Union archives as U.S. teams still search for clues to our missing POW/MIAs, and on suicide prevention for the Veterans Administration and the Defense Department.

Born and raised in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, where he attended Cardinal O’Hara High school prior to graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, in 2006 Joe defeated a ten-term Republican incumbent in his nearly 2:1 Republican home District to become the second Democrat congressman since the Civil War. As a member of both the Armed Services and Education & Labor Committees, and as Vice Chairman of the Small Business Committee, Joe had 19 pieces of bi-partisan legislation passed in the House during his first term, and was named the most productive member of his Congressional class by the Majority Leader’s Office in 2007. He was also recognized for serving four times the constituent cases than the average Congressional office, while hosting an average of 15 large summit gatherings in his district each year on key issues. As a result, his Republican District re-elected Joe by 20 points without his having to air a single campaign ad.

Joe ran for U.S. Senate in 2010, despite the opposition of the Democratic party’s Washington establishment. He disagreed that Republican Senator Arlen Specter should become the party’s nominee in order to avoid defeat in the Republican primary after his 30 years of damaging votes, particularly his humiliation of Ms. Anita Hill when she testified about her sexual harassment by now-Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Joe believed Pennsylvanians deserved a leader who would always be accountable to the principle of people first, ahead of self, party or special interest. Against the odds, he overcame a 40 point deficit to win the Democratic primary over the 30-year incumbent. The general election was decided by only two points in the Tea Party year where the party lost the Pennsylvania governor’s race and five Congressional seats by an average of 11 points – all despite being outspent more than any other Senate or Governor’s race (except one) in America that year.  Afterwards, Joe went to each of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties to thank his supporters, including countless African-American churches, synagogues, mosques and other places of worship that welcomed him.

In Joe’s second Senate race, Joe launched his campaign by walking 422 miles across Pennsylvania, from the border with New Jersey to that with Ohio, stating that “we are in a fight for the soul of America” at the kickoff and throughout the remainder of the election. He held a town hall each day in small towns and cities, and then went to each of the remaining 67 counties. Simultaneously, he published his vision in a policy-based book, “Walking in Your Shoes to Restore the American Dream.”

However, the Democratic Senate leadership directed Joe to “stop walking and just fundraise.”  When Joe demurred, the Democratic leadership sought a primary opponent, funneling over $6 million into false opposition ads that the Washington Post assigned its highest rating of falsity, to win the primary, but losing the general election.

In Congress, Joe championed fiscally accountable “pay-as-you-go” legislation to help ensure its passage.  He advanced educational legislation, from pre-K through retraining; seniors’ quality of life – including authoring and passing the first Elder Abuse Victims legislation in 17 years — and veterans’ educational and healthcare expansion.  He sponsored small business legislation for access to start-up capital, tax and regulatory relief, and workforce development, including initiating and passing legislation for a 35% increase in funding for Women’s Business Centers. He pursued healthcare issues ranging from pediatric cancer to mental health parity, as well as autism as he authored the first successful increase in funding for autism in 12 years. Chosen to serve on two bi-partisan national security Select Congressional Committees, he worked on refocusing our security force posture toward the Western Pacific and China, advocating a new emphasis on cyberspace warfare, and reprioritization of defense funding toward such newly emerging warfare capability areas, with a reformed accountable defense procurement system.  Joe also supported energy development legislation for renewables, with environmental safeguards and job creation, to address Climate Change.

After Congress, Joe taught courses on Ethical Leadership and on Restoring the American Dream at Cheyney University – the oldest historically black university in America – and Carnegie Mellon University, and was the General Omar N. Bradley Chair in Strategic Leadership, a joint faculty appointment at the United States Army War College, Dickinson College, and the Penn State University Dickinson School of Law and School of International Affairs.  

Admiral Sestak remained active in public service through the Center for Refugee and Disaster Response at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; the Ploughshares Fund working on the reduction of nuclear weapons; the Lenfest Foundation focused on education in Philadelphia, pre-K through early childhood, and those who had or were about to drop out of high school; co-chair with former Republican governor Mark Schweiker of the Pennsylvania State Advisory Committee of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, focused on U.S. diplomacy and development; then-Secretary of State Clinton’s Advisory Committee on U.S. educational programs; and the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, as well as issues regarding small businesses, energy and the environment.

Finally, Joe convened the youth of the world from nearly 160 nations at Constitution Hall in Washington DC for the inaugural robotics Olympics highlighting the need for global STEM education, as teams from the Congo to Iran, a Syrian refugee team and an all-girls Afghan Muslim team showed we have more in common in the world than we do differences.

Most importantly, having served with all Americans in the global canvas of the Navy, and served you as a Congressman, Joe knows that Americans have more in common than we do differences. Now, as President, Joe will need all of you to help answer the call for America’s leadership to restore a just world order so it serves us by raising our collective good, here at home – done by Joe’s gaining your trust that he will always remain accountable to you, alone.

Interviewing The Legends Guest, Steve Lips Kudlow February 04, 2020

S T E V E  "L I P S " K U D L O W




A  N  V  I  L



 When it comes to virtues such as endurance, unconditional commitment and a thoroughly down-to-earth attitude, Anvil are the measure of all things. Like few other metal acts, the band surrounding founding members Steve ‘Lips’ Kudlow (vocals, guitars) and Robb Reiner (drums), plus bassist Chris Robertson have earned their laurels of blood, sweat and tears. Since their 2009 documentary film The Story Of Anvil, which reveals the unvarnished truth about the music industry, the world has been aware that the day-to-day life of most musicians doesn’t consist of MTV Awards, Grammy ceremonies, red carpets, champagne and caviar but mainly of energy-sapping tours de force with little sleep, junk food and meagre earnings. Yet these difficult conditions have made Anvil what they are today: a band that stands solid as a rock in the turbulent waters of a musical genre that produces like no other music by fans for fans. So, Robb Reiner refers with a sense of justified pride to Anvil’s latest release Legal At Last simply as “one more Anvil album”. Because quotes such as this show that the band has survived despite all adversities, losing none of its musical style or sense of reality. Kudlow, Reiner or Robertson would never use clichés such as “harder, faster, louder” or attempt to present their own accomplishments as superhuman feats. Robb Reiner is right: Legal At Last is simply an impressive new statement by a band that stands for the same values in 2020 as it did when it was first launched in autumn 1978.

Purchase the latest release by






For more information about Steve “Lips” Kudlow and Anvil

including touring dates

visit   ​…Facebook

ANVIL gained popularity and new fans since the 2008 theatrical documentary, "Anvil: The Story Of Anvil", which is currently available on Amazon Prime.


A N V I L TOUR 2020

FEB 26 Le Grillen Wednesday, 7:00PM Colmar, France 

FEB 27 Rock 'N Eat Thursday, 7:30PM Lyon, France     

FEB 28 L'Empreinte Friday, 8:00PM Savigny-le-temple, France        

FEB 29 Le Forum Saturday, 8:30PM Vauréal, France     

MAR 01 Willem Twee poppodium Sunday, 3:00PM Den Bosch, Netherlands       

MAR 04 Bannerman's Bar (and The Underworld) Wednesday, 12:00AM Edinburgh, United Kingdom    

MAR 05 The Flowerpot Thursday, 8:00PM Derby, United Kingdom  

 MAR 06 TIVOLI Friday, 7:00AM Buckley, United Kingdom 

MAR 08 The Craufurd Arms Sunday, 7:30PM Milton Keynes, United Kingdom   

MAR 09 Manchester Academy 3 Monday, 7:30PM Manchester, United Kingdom 

MAR 11 Limelight Wednesday, 7:00PM Belfast, United Kingdom    

 MAR 12 Voodoo Lounge Thursday, 7:00PM Dublin, Ireland  

MAR 13 Queens Hall Friday, 8:00PM Nuneaton, United Kingdom    

MAR 14 The Lantern Saturday, 8:00PM Halifax, United Kingdom    

MAR 15 The Cobblestones Sunday, 8:00PM Bridgwater, United Kingdom  

MAR 17 Level 3 Tuesday, 7:30PM Swindon, United Kingdom

MAR 18 Exchange Wednesday, 7:30PM Bristol, United Kingdom     

MAR 19 Chalk Thursday, 7:00PM Brighton, United Kingdom 

MAR 20 1865 Friday, 8:00PM Southampton, United Kingdom

MAR 21 O2 Academy Islington Saturday, 6:00PM London, United Kingdom       

MAR 24 Gebr. De Nobel Tuesday, 7:30PM Leiden, Netherlands        

MAR 25 Turock Wednesday, 7:30PM Essen, Germany  

MAR 26 Kubana Thursday, 7:30PM Siegburg, Germany

MAR 29 Eventhall-Airport Sunday, 6:00PM Regensburg-neuprüll, Germany

MAR 30 Eisenwerk Saal Monday, 7:30PM Frauenfeld, Switzerland   

MAR 31 7er-Club Tuesday, 7:30PM Mannheim, Germany       

APR 01 Backstage Werk Wednesday, 7:30PM München, Germany    

APR 02 Im Wizemann Thursday, 7:00PM Stuttgart, Germany  

APR 03 Konzerthaus Schüür Friday, 8:00PM Lucerne, Switzerland   

APR 05 GARAGE Sunday, 6:30PM Saarbrücken, Germany     

APR 06 Musikzentrum Hannover Monday, 7:30PM Hannover, Germany     

APR 07 Colos-Saal Tuesday, 8:00PM Aschaffenburg, Germany

APR 08 Musik & Frieden Wednesday, 7:30PM Berlin, Germany       

APR 12 Bastard Club Sunday, 8:00PM Osnabrück, Germany   

APR 14 LOGO Tuesday, 7:30PM Hamburg, Germany   

APR 17 Traffic Live Club Friday, 7:00PM Roma Rm, Italy      

MAY 01 Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez Friday, 2:00PM Mexico, Mexico


Studio albums bA N V I L

Hard 'n' Heavy (1981)

Metal on Metal (1982)

Forged in Fire (1983)

Strength of Steel (1987)

Pound for Pound (1988)

Worth the Weight (1992)

Plugged in Permanent (1996)

Absolutely No Alternative (1997)

Speed of Sound (1999)

Plenty of Power (2001)

Still Going Strong (2002)

Back to Basics (2004)

This Is Thirteen (2007)

Juggernaut of Justice (2011)

Hope in Hell (2013)

Anvil Is Anvil (2016)

Pounding the Pavement (2018)

Legal at Last (2020)

Discover Your Potential Guest, Gene Barretta January 26, 2020
author and illustrator of children’s books

Gene Barretta is an award-winning author and illustrator of children’s books. Among his honors are the Carolyn W. Field Award and the Bank Street Cook Prize Honor.

His books include, “The Secret Garden of George Washington Carver,” “The Bat Can Bat: A Book of True Homonyms,” “Muhammad Ali: A Champion is Born,” “Lincoln and Kennedy: A Pair to Compare,” “Now & Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin,” “Neo Leo: The Ageless Ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci,” “Jack the Tripper,” “Dear Deer: A Book of Homophones,” “The Bass Plays the Bass and Other Homographs” and “Timeless Thomas: How Thomas Edison Changed Our Lives.”

Gene has contributed illustration and animation to Sesame Street and Between the Lions.  He has also designed characters for The Jim Henson Company. 

He lives in Bryn Mawr, PA. For more information on Gene and his work, please visit:

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