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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Shadow Politics Guest, Zack Space March 07, 2021
Former congressman of Ohio and president of Sunday Creek Horizons

Congressman Zack Space was born and raised in the small eastern Ohio town of Dover. After graduating from Kenyon College and The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, he returned to Tuscarawas County to practice law. Over the course of 20 years, Zack managed a private practice, worked as a Public Defender, and served as Law Director for the City of Dover. In 2006, he was elected to serve as the Congressman from Ohio’s 18th District, comprising 16 counties in rural southeastern Ohio.

During his tenure in Congress, Zack was a champion of working-class Ohioans, and was instrumental in bringing broadband technology, employment opportunities, and infrastructure improvements to his district. He served on the prestigious Energy and Commerce Committee, as well as the House Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure, Agriculture, and Veterans' Affairs, and was an active member of the Blue Dog Caucus, a centrist, fiscally principled coalition of moderate democrats from largely rural districts. Among his numerous accomplishments in Congress:

  • Securing more than $100,000,000 for broadband infrastructure buildout in eastern and southern Ohio. Much of the existing broadband backbone currently in place in Appalachia-Ohio can be attributed directly to these funds;
  • Pioneering the successful utilization of New Market Tax Credits for projects throughout southeast Ohio valued in the tens of millions of dollars, taking the region from last to first among Congressional districts in Ohio, in the use of this creative economic development incentive tool;
  • Overseeing the formation of RenewOhio, an ambitious, and successful effort to convene leadership across sectors throughout the region, and to develop comprehensive planning around future economic development;
  • Receiving of the Development Districts Association of Appalachia 2008 Congressional Award, in recognition of his support for the Appalachian Regional Commission, and community development efforts undertaken by local development districts across the 13 states within the Appalachian region.

Upon leaving Congress in 2011, Zack joined Vorys Advisors, the government affairs arm of the prestigious Columbus law firm Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease, where he worked with local governments, charitable organizations, and the private sector to promote economic development across Ohio, particularly southeastern Ohio. One initiative Zack oversaw during this time saw him bring together regional stakeholders to plan a prosperous future for southeastern Ohio, driven by the Utica Shale Play, in partnership with oil and gas companies Zack brought to the table.

In 2018, he was elected as the Democratic nominee for the office of Ohio Auditor of State, earning the endorsements of nearly every major Ohio newspaper, and outperformed all other statewide Democratic candidates in Appalachian Ohio.

Zack currently serves as President of Sunday Creek Horizons. He is a proven ambassador for Appalachia, trusted by the region’s residents, politicians, and investors alike. ​Zack has two children, Gina and Nick, who live in Tuscarawas County and are currently studying to become lawyers.


Dare To Dream Guest, Rev Dr Christopher Macklin March 04, 2021
Psychic and Founder of The Global Enlightenment Project


From losing it all to a spiritual awakening that set him on his divine healing path. 

Born as a highly aware psychic child in Chester, England, Christopher Macklin was able to perceive energy fields, spirit activity and multi-dimensional phenomena from a very young age.

He initially took the more traditional route through life and tried to fit in best as he could, but his career as a successful aviation industry engineer came to an abrupt end when a failed real estate venture caused a series of financial difficulties that resulted in Christopher living out of the back of his car, homeless on the streets of Manchester, England. In a very short period of time, Christopher found the world as he knew it turned upside down. Newly divorced, his money all gone and unable to get a job, he began to understand that the Divine had other plans for him.

In a pivotal moment sitting in a square in Manchester with nothing to call his own and nowhere to go, he promised himself and God that he would use his healing abilities to serve humanity and he surrendered the rest to God. Things began to dramatically shift after this and Christopher was afforded the opportunity to meditate for hours a day for four years in order to integrate his highest path and to understand the divine healing that he was being called to share with the world. 

Today, Christopher works with thousands of clients internationally. He provides a full range of healing services that address a spectrum of physical, mental and emotional issues and he teaches people about their divine sovereignty, divine alignment and the divine plan.

He and his wife Amanda have founded The Global Enlightenment Project to serve an awakening humanity and to support the healing needs of people all over the earth.

Life Changes Show Guest, Dr Katie Eastman March 01, 2021
Grief, Loss and Transition Coach, a licensed psychotherapist and Medical Social Worker


Dr. Katie Eastman is a Grief, Loss and Transition Coach, a licensed psychotherapist and Medical Social Worker with extensive training in the field of Pastoral Psychology. Specializing in loss, traumatic loss and grief she supports individuals, families and communities before, during and after serious loss.

Dr. Katie attended Boston University School of Theology, The University of Houston School of Social Work Masters Program and acquired a Doctorate in Clinical Child Psychology from Antioch University. She has held a series of mental health-related positions working with children and families, culminating in work with seriously ill and dying children and adults and their caregivers. Most recently she has worked with suicidal teens, teen suicide survivors and bereaved parents. 

As a community engagement consultant, Dr. Katie has assisted groups and communities in developing collaborative strategies to prevent teen suicide and programs that offer support in the aftermath of this unique and increasingly common kind of tragedy. Forming a Suicide Prevention/ Mental Health Coalition in her own community, she engaged community stakeholders to collaborate, educate and engage people of all ages in promoting mental health as a fundamental aspect of wellness. The result has been greater access to mental health support and a significant reduction in the prevalence of teen deaths related to suicide. 

An engaging author and storyteller, Dr. Katie is known as an authentic force for good and love.

Life Changes Show Guest, Ksenia Luki March 01, 2021
Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner


Ksenia is a Los Angeles based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and a sound-healing practitioner.

The love song between Ksenia and music has been a lifelong journey. She began singing when she was six years old, and was writing songs on her guitar and performing at local festivals by the time she was thirteen. After a while, Ksenia took a break from music and moved to the United States. There she committed herself to a path of spiritual growth and healing. She trained and became a yoga teacher, a Reiki Master, and a bodyworker.

Five years ago, Ksenia was inspired to approach music again from the perspective of her new path. Music became another instrument through which to channel healing and inspiration for all the people Ksenia teaches and works with. The influence of her commitment to a yogic lifestyle and her deep connection with healing work transformed her relationship with sound by integrating her spiritual path with the music.

Today her songs weave together all the aspects of her life and heritage, by blending mantras, icaros, prayers and Russian folk music for a truly unique and inspiring sound. In 2018 she released her first single, “Atman”, which was followed in 2019 by her first album. Ksenia’s music channels inspiration, hope, peace, and strength to guide and support people on their life journeys. She has redefined the use of sound and mixed vibrations in her intention to spread the healing power of musical prayer.

Life Changes Show Guest, Malia Carvalho aka Lia Light February 22, 2021
Musician, massage therapist, yoga practitioner and guide


Musician, massage therapist, yoga practitioner and guide (Kundalini, Tantra, Yin).  Lia Light holds a passion for guiding others in  living a “Tantric Life”- that is fully feeling, expanding vision and truly embracing the mind body connection.  

With her family having roots in Hawaii, she possesses mermaid vibes and values of preserving the land, malama ‘aina! and bringing community together. Lia’s love for the arts lead her on a path of studying graphic design and art history, bodywork and yoga.

She enjoys cooking plant-based meals, singing, playing the guitar, painting and guiding others in exploring their visionary states of consciousness through movement, journey and meditation. She has spent years designing and decorating her home temple to become a place of healing and unity. 

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