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Breaking ITCCS News, July 23 (GMT): Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Court - New arrest attempts to be made during August

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State - ITCCS
Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Court New arrest attempts to be made during August

Breaking ITCCS News, July 23 (GMT): Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Court - New arrest attempts to be made during August

Assaulted Sheriffs seek Summary Judgement against Pope Francis in European Court - New arrest attempts to be made during August

A Special News Update from the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

(See previous news reports of June 22 and 24, and July 5 and 12 at)

Monday, 23 July, 2018 GMT


The four common law Sheriffs who are suing Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, and eleven other defendants are now seeking a Summary Judgement against them, allowing for their immediate conviction. The Sheriffs made the application today in European courts after none of the defendants responded to a lawful Summons or disputed the charges made against them, namely, that they are practicing members of the murderous Ninth Circle child sacrificial cult and bear command responsibility for its crimes.

If the courts grant the Summary Judgement, Bergoglio and the other defendants could face arrest as early as August 11.

In Rome, the College of Cardinals remains deadlocked in its efforts to find a replacement to Bergoglio on the verge of new attempts to enforce the standing arrest warrant against him dating from July, 2014. The ITCCS announced today that its Sheriffs’ Department will be working with police forces in Ireland and other European nations to detain Bergoglio as a convicted war criminal, including at the “papal mass” scheduled for Phoenix Park in Dublin, Ireland on Sunday, August 26.

In related news, new ITCCS field offices are opening in seven countries during August to escalate the campaign to stop Vatican crimes against children. The European field offices will be located in Dublin, London, Paris, Barcelona and Milan. The North American field offices will be in New York City and Ottawa. Trained common law Sheriffs attached to these offices will make arrests against known child trafficking officials and priests of the Church of Rome and will disrupt Ninth Circle gatherings.

The public voice of the ITCCS, the radio program Here We Stand, will be off the air during August but will resume its regular broadcasts on Sunday, September 2 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT on . Reports of the aforementioned actions will be made at that time. Until then, contact your nearest ITCCS field office through .

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