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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Affirmations For Living Guest, Mercedes Warrick November 08, 2012
Teacher, Guide, Consultant, Spiritual Intuitive, Speaker, Leadership Consultant, Inner Evolutions Mentoring Facilitator, VP of Marketing, VP of Corporate Communications, Brand Gatekeeper, Entrepreneur, Business Developer

I am a teacher and guide that understands business, life and life changing transformation.  I have worked as an executive level consultant specializing in business, retail management, marketing, product development, branding & communications and now I combine the mastery of meditation, intuitive guidance & the principles of yoga and qi gong. I assist you to consciously create your  life  to align with your inner values.  It’s about loving the life you are living, all aspects of it, everyday in everyway, energizing Love….  Love 365.

Mercedes Warrick is a spiritual intuitive, speaker and leadership consultant. Over the past two years The Soul Inspired Tune Up®, her meditation and energy practice, has evolved through Spirit to become a guiding pathway to intuitive love aligned living for professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders. New this year is Visionscapes. She is facilitates inner evolutions mentoring your personal renaissance through Spirit,creativity and art.

As she sat down to write what she thought was going to be a book on using spiritual principles for business marketing. Spirit directed her to, “Teach this first.” The former corporate executive experienced an initiation; this evolution in mind-set and heart-set has brought Mercedes into new ways to align with and attune to Love. The Soul Inspired Tune Up is allowing spiritual professionals as well as people in transforming life change to stand with conviction and live the passion in their heart. Mercedes also assists with leading people to expansion and growth after traumatic experiences.

Mercedes served as Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Communications for the MARS Inc. Division Ethel M Chocolates. In that role she was the brand gatekeeper for Ethel M® Chocolates. The most agile and entrepreneurial company in the MARS portfolio, Ethel M Chocolates gourmet gift line included the traditional array of celebration collections for every seasonal holiday. For this multi-million dollar brand Mercedes directed packaging design, advertising, public relations strategy, crisis communication training, item rationalization and profitability. She had concept-to-consumer marketing, communication, product design and financial responsibility for the direction of this highly dynamic business.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Colette Lundy November 15, 2012
Founder of Harmony Pathways, Personal Development Strategist, Guide, Group Dynamic Facilitator, Personal Coach, Corporate Trainer, Reiki Master, Diversity Facilitator, Author

Colette 'IyaLe' Lundy is the founder of Harmony Pathways.  She is a spiritually based personal development strategist and guide.  She works with individuals and groups who are ready to embrace positive change and move to higher levels of effectiveness, satisfaction and joy in their lives.

She is a results focused, master weaver of gentle yet transformational experiences; a seasoned facilitator who utilizes her expertise in group dynamics, cultural diversity, personal coaching and corporate training to promote creative approaches to living and working.

Having spent many years studying with master healers of various cultural traditions, she is an adept guide, creating sacred space where all can witness their natural power and beauty.  Her ability to transform emotive topics into practical life experiences that we all share is uncanny.

Colette's work continues to evolve and she continues to study and be influenced by many of the world's great spiritual traditions.  She continues to deepen her personal understanding of Spirit and shares all that she discovers.

Colette believes in the healing power of community in our lives.  Her ideas are intuitively persuasive and provacative, yet gentle and supported by sound practical advice.  She is a Reiki Master, Certified Diversity Facilitator, Spiritual Empowerment Guide, Author, Wife and most precious to her....Mother.

And, so it is that many call her  IyaLe

Affirmations For Living Guest, Regina Murphy November 29, 2012
Regina Rose Murphy, Teacher, Emotional Therapist, Lecturer, Speaker, Columnist, Author, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Sound Therapist, Photographer

Since 2004, Regina has been teaching free classes on the emotional therapies. The public library has sponsored over 30 of her lectures on Emotional Sound Techniques and has requested presentations of her Multi-Dimensional photos. She teaches at pre-schools to children as young as 3 and in adult day care centers.

She has written numerous articles for magazines and periodical publications. She is the author of The Elusive Gift of Tragedy, a book about her life and her son’s death and the workbook on Emotional Sound Techniques. Her photos have appeared in Mystic Pop and Mysteries Magazine.

Regina is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Certified in the Body Talk System, Certified in Acutonics-Level I and is a founder of the Emotional Sound Techniques Association: an Approved Provider for the NCBTMB. She and her son, John, started a local non-profit corporation, Love In Action, Inc, which has helped local organizations financially, who care for children with emotional problems.  This non-profit corporation also offers free training for organizations that want to learn Emotional Sound Techniques.

Regina’s dimensional photos reflect emotions, energetic releases and amazing images. Regina’s interpretation of them will be available on this site as part of her series of articles called “Picture This”.

Affirmations For Living Guest, Victoria Reynolds December 06, 2012
Mentor, Speaker, Transformational Author, Motivator, Filmmaker

When I’m not coaching my clients, speaking on stages or volunteering at my children’s school, I am sitting at my computer writing or scribbling notes into any note  taking device I can get my hands on.

Someone asked me the age old question not long ago, “If you were stranded on a desert island with only one thing, what would that thing be?" My answer was "a notebook with pen attached." My pen is my magic wand and I practically panic when I don’t have something to record my thoughts with.

Several years ago the writing faucet turned on and I haven’t been able to turn it off. My thoughts are a continual stream of insights that inspire even me. And because I am so inspired by the message that moves through me I wouldn’t want to turn off this wondrous gift.

My first book “Transcending Fear: The Journey to Freedom and Fulfillment” is now available everywhere books are sold.  My series of illustrated children’s books are in the works, and before you know it, a few other non-fiction books in the publication process will be making their way into the world.

Along with my books I write my "Practical Magic" Blog. A blog that I recently started up to go along with my magical new brand and I write The Polygamist Daughter's Blog where I share stories with my readers about growing up on “The Ranch”.  I also maintain a monthly newsletter where I share my insights, stories and other yummy things that come across my path.


Affirmations For Living Guest, Kat Mandu December 13, 2012
Writer, Metaphysician, Teacher, Coach, Esoteric Researcher, Author, Lightworker

Ka’t Pleiadean Mandu is a writer, metaphysician, and teacher of transformational change and spiritual realization. Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, she has been teaching and coaching in esoteric studies for the last 20 years. She is currently studying a PhD in Metaphysical Parapsychology. She is a Pleiadean starseed and channeller.