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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Cheryl Ginnings January 08, 2019
Best selling author, motivational speaker, certified life coach and global radio host.

Cheryl Ginnings is a mother of a Special Needs son, as I am.  She is also a survivor and courageous parent, who now shares her story, with humour and grace, to help other families thrive. 

She is an International Speaker and International Best Selling Author who strives to continue to help as many others as possible. As a fellow Radio Show Host, she has aired the Courage-2-overcome Show over the past 3 years, touching thousands of lives with her encouragement and support. 

Cheryl knows firsthand that caregivers struggle when they are thrust into the role of being responsible for others. It might be a newborn child with special needs, or an aging parent with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. It could be a disease, terminal or not, which requires a total life change. A spouse with PTSD or wounded warriors who return home different from the way they left to serve their country. Who can I talk to about my new role? Where can I find support? With her own son having 3 surgeries in the last 10 weeks, she has a beautiful story to share of compassion and love.

She was not always personally so bold, and shares: “As a child, I was scared to speak my name in front of others, but I love encouraging and supporting others and helping them feel confident about growing and yearning to be more and do more. It is a journey that caused me to return to school after my youngest was in 3rd grade and finish my degree. (My oldest had severe cerebral palsy and I had another daughter

six years older.)

This was not my dream early, but I developed confidence in teaching women's classes and I won awards in school. It propelled me into making a video to help others with special needs children, writing books and articles, and speaking many places. I taught a class for teachers and parents of special needs children in Arlington, TX, and now connect on the radio helping other parents and caregivers to be strong and courageous, despite my own challenges and stepping stones  which have helped me to grow stronger.  I love to share humor and hope with families who feel overwhelmed with caregiving roles.”

Her book: “IT TAKES COURAGE TO BE A CAREGIVER” is available on Amazon (as well as contributing to 10 anthology books). She willingly shares her knowledge as an International Speaker and International Best-Selling Author, and her Radio show airs on on Mondays 8 pm Central.

Hungry for the Truth Guest, Dick Larson January 04, 2019
Spokesperson for Share International

Dick Larson is a counselor with a background in education, business, and communication. In addition to being a guest on radio talk shows nationwide, he has co-hosted a radio program and produced and hosted a series of public access television shows that air around the nation.

Dick served in the US Air Force, was a special education teacher with the Los Angeles School District, and worked as an international corporate business executive for over 20 years. He then became a chemical dependency therapist and is now at a university in southern California teaching other adults how to do therapy.

Creator of the audiotape series Points to Ponder, Larson is a native of Minnesota, where he obtained a degree in sociology and psychology before duty in the Air Force ultimately brought him to the Los Angeles area in 1971. Larson’s familiarity with the spiritual side of life comes from facilitating adult Christian Bible studies, from his study of the world’s major religions, and from the Ageless Wisdom Teachings and participating in meditation groups and teaching meditation for many years.

In these difficult times, he is very hopeful about our future and tries to help others see the positive as well. Larson entertains and inspires as he shares his strong conviction that we are now in a very special time of world change -- an exciting time -- one that marks the beginning of a new era of awareness that will offer tremendous opportunities for personal growth, enlightenment, and willing cooperation among all men and women around the world

Who Is Maitreya?

According to Dick, "Maitreya is awaited by the world’s major religions as the Christ, Buddha, the Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Bodhisattva. This is a momentous event that will lead to the transformation of the world.

"Maitreya’s message is very simple: We are brothers all, and only through the relinquishing of division and competition and the acceptance of sharing can mankind manifest love, compassion, social justice, and brotherhood. Sharing will solve our most pressing problems. It will also create trust between nations and people needed to secure world peace.

"Maitreya has been giving television interviews around the world for several years. He does not use His real name or make any claims to status. As time goes on, more and more people will become interested in Maitreya’s insight and the vast extent of his knowledge of the problems besetting humanity, and start asking who he really is.

"This will lead to the Day of Declaration, when Maitreya will be invited to address the world. We will see him on our televisions, but he will not speak. Rather, people will hear him inwardly (or telepathically). This will be after a predicted collapse of the world’s stock exchanges takes place, expected at any time."

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Shannon Leischner January 03, 2019
Theta Healer/Instructor and Medium

Shannon Leischner is a world renowned psychic medium and Theta Healer/Instructor who was born with powerful inherited abilities from generations of truly gifted family members. For over 20 years, she’s been changing lives through life path coaching, angelic communication, mediumship and energy work in order to help people from all over the world find their divine purpose. Shannon has an extraordinary ability to communicate, interact with, and cross over spiritual beings. Her immense relationship with the angelic realm has taught her that there is definitely more to this world than what we are able to see. 
Along with her metaphysical training, she also has an MPA in Public Administration. 
All services are provided with caring, insight and discretion. Recently, Shannon was featured in Psychic 4 U Psychic News, Views, and Interviews (an online magazine). She has been a guest psychic on “Let Us Connect”, Darkness Radio, LA Talk Radio, Kim Iverson, Be The Light Now, No Ordinary Psychic Radio, Queen Mary, Paranormal Radio, Country Music Awards Gala, Media Madness Event, As You Wish Talk Radio and will soon make her debut on several HBO programs.
On the Double with The Double S Xpress Guest, Gary Hill Jr January 02, 2019

Gary Hill Jr. had already become familiar to Mariners fans, who regularly listen to the radio broadcast, as a fill-in play-by-play man, a pregame and postgame host and creator/host of the organization’s daily podcast during the season.

But now, he will join the Mariners’ radio broadcast team on a full-time basis. In February 2018, the team announced that Hill was named as the executive producer/engineer for the organization’s radio broadcast.

He graduated from Washington State University in 2000 with a B.A. in Communications and a B.S. in Psychology.

Besides his previous part-time work with the Mariners, he has also appeared on local radio in a variety of other sports, serving as play-by-play for baseball (University of Washington, Washington State University), softball (University of Washington), basketball (Seattle Storm, Seattle University, University of Puget Sound, The Evergreen State College) and football (University of Puget Sound). He is currently the voice of the University of Washington women’s basketball team.

Hill and his wife, Mary, live in Des Moines with their son, Baker, and daughter, Finley.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Cara StLouis January 05, 2019
Writer, Speaker, Activist and Teacher committed to Waldorf (freeing imagination)

Cara StLouis is a writer, teacher, activist and speaker hailing from the American Southwest, infused with the old spirit of the sovereign individual. She is committed to Waldorf School's teaching, which is centered around protecting the Imagination of the human being. She has been a journalist for Veterans Today and is the author of several books including Consolata's Companion, about the dark side or archontic presence in our lives. The Sun Thief is a thinly fictionalized thriller about the murder of her mother who had a top security Navy clearance, and a pilot who steals a chemtrail plane. With Harald Kautz-Vella, Dangerous Imagination, Silent Assimilation is the paradigm shifting book which flings the doors open to expose the vast coordinated manipulations to control and dominate humanity.

Former producer at The People's Voice, Cara has 6 titles out, soon to be 8.  Currently, she is promoting the 3rd episode on the workbook series called The Great Food Con aka Taste Buds.  Later this year, the 3rd volume of the Imagination Chronicles will be out titled, I, Magician.  She leads esoteric research journeys 2 to 3 times per year.  Her complete Sovereign Imagination Studio Workshop series is available via private lessons online.  You can find her on Facebook, YouTube, and her website link.

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