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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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NEW Music Artists & Bands Heard Between Talk Shows! We'll Be Your Favorite!

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Featured Guest Interviews

Dare To Dream Guest, EMERALD GREENFOREST May 30, 2018
Emerald Peaceful Green Forest is an internationally known Speaker, Creative Age Leader and Transformation Artist. A successful and award-winning entrepreneur.

Emerald Peaceful Green Forest is an internationally known Speaker, Creative Age Leader and Transformation Artist.  A successful and award-winning entrepreneur since her mid-20's, she is also active in her community and has served in many volunteer leadership positions and is an avid supporter of children’s organizations & the arts for years.  She is a published author with several books of her own as well as a contributor to 15 anthologies.   Listed as one of America’s Premier Experts, and recipient of a Be the Change “Movement to Watch” award Emerald has appeared in major media – most recently on CNBC’s Nightly Business Report. She has created an international reputation online as a speaker where she’s shared the “virtual” stage with colleagues like John Assaraf from “The Secret,” Sark, Marianne Williamson, David Wolfe and Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Ali Brown and other leading global change agents.  Emerald was selected to be featured in the Nu Icon Movie produced and been heard by millions through tele-summits and other virtual events broadcast all over the world, nearly 500 times in several years.

Life Changes Show Guest, Philippo Franchini May 14, 2018
Music Artist


Also known as “The Musical Alchemist”, Franchini began his study of music at eight years old; yoga and meditation soon followed at age fourteen.

The son of an Italian father and American mother, Franchini always loved music and fell in love with the guitar as a young boy listening to folk tunes and cowboy songs. He began studying classical guitar with a passion when he was eight years old. With this strong foundation, he began exploring a wide range of musical genres, with interests as far and as wide as Indian classical and chant, Brazilian pop, Reggae, Rock n’ Roll, Blues and Gospel. Amazingly, Philippo weaves it all together in a beautiful, uplifting Musical Alchemy – and his exploration continues!

Philippo was fascinated by the power of music to evoke and transform emotions and states of consciousness, and began studying Nada Yoga and Sound Healing with noted teachers such as Dr. John Beaulieu and Sylvia Nakkach. Many of his compositions are infused with compelling tones and sonic healing energy and are beneficial for yoga practice, meditation and, of course, dancing!

“I wanted to create music that would be a doorway for others to enter into meditation, healing energy, a sense of the sublime… perhaps to accompany yoga practice or comfort someone who felt out of balance. I also wanted to express a sense of gratitude, wonder, and openness.”

–Philippo Franchini

A longtime bandmate of sacred music artist, David Newman, Philippo has toured around the world, playing festivals, yoga retreats and teaching workshops. He has five albums available, both solo and with his ensemble Blues Divine, and has contributed to dozens of other artists work as well. Currently Philippo lives in both California and Europe.

Life Changes Show Guest, David Newman May 14, 2018
Music Artist


David Newman is a renowned sacred mantra artist, singer-songwriter, author, and inspirational teacher. David, also known as Durga Das, travels extensively sharing his music, and teachings on the path of love as a vehicle for spiritual awakening. He has released numerous chart-topping world music albums, and is the author of the #1 Amazon bestseller The Timebound Traveler. David is also the founder of the Stay Strong Project and Yoga On Main. He has been featured on NPR, and in The Washington Post and Yoga Journal among many others.

“David Newman is reminiscent of George Harrison, Dylan and Paul Simon when they are in soul mode.”

LA Yoga Magazine

“At David Newman’s concert, the event’s volume knob seemed to go from low-level joy to full-on bliss, the kind you feel after climbing a gorgeous mountain or ending a tough run on a strong sprint.”

The Washington Post

Life Changes Show Guest, Carmel Rivello Maguire May 14, 2018
Designer, Speaker, Writer


Carmel Rivello Maguire had been influencing the design world for twenty-five years. As founder of Carmelot Interiors, Inc., and then as Executive Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development for two major interior design firms specializing in hotel and resort/hospitality design in California and Florida.

One of the first women to be invited to join Rotary International in the San Fernando Valley area of California, she is the recipient of a Paul Harris Fellow award, as well as one of the first women in the country to be elected “Rotarian of the Year”.

Carmel wrote and produced her own 12-segment interior design show for local cable viewing.

During her time as Executive Vice President for the hospitality design firms, she became a much sought-after industry speaker, taking her knowledge and enthusiasm into the professional community throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada the Bahamas and Hawaii.

She has spoken at the American Resort Development (ARDA) conventions and to the timeshare industry across the country. Carmel is also a member of ARDA, a Registered Resort Professional (RRP), and held membership in the International Society of Interior Designs (ISID), as well as being a frequent contributor to “Developments Magazine”, one of the resort industry’s premiere international publications.

Carmel is the mother of four grown daughters and four amazing grandchildren.

After 48 years, Carmel returned to complete her university studies At Cal Lutheran University. She earned her degree, a triple Major in Art, Drama and Women’s studies, completing this work with Dean’s Lists honors, twice and spoke as the Valedictorian for the commencement at age 70!

She and her late husband traveled the world, bringing hope and valuable information to thousands of clients, from Dubai to Kuwait, Buenos Aires, to Rio, China to Ireland, London to Paris, and many local cities throughout the United States!

Her workshops and seminars, filled with humorous stories enable Carmel to bring her wisdom to many who value her work.

Most recently, Carmel has been honored as the International Ambassador of PEACE for the Rainbow Bridge, bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace.

One of Carmel’s speaking topics to Women’s groups is titled:


Giving back is important to Ms. Rivello-Maguire; her work with “Support for the Kids,” distributing food, clothing and toys to the needy in many communities  in Southern California, is part of her generous spirit! And, speaking Donald Duck in Spanish to the little ones evokes squeals of laughter.

As Docent in the “Gardens of the World”, she thrills to meeting people from all over the world welcoming them in their native language, as well as greeting close neighbors.

Her love of plants and horticulture found her donating her time for over seven years at a women’s center in Ventura, CA., working with women and their children in recovery from drug, alcohol and spousal abuse, teaching the clients to plant, grow their food, and cook a great Italian dinner!

She and her partner Jerry reside in Ojai, CA.

Below are her most requested topics where she will inspire and delight your audience.

Memories, Motherhood & Marinara

Creating Serenity Through Adversity

Using the metaphor of cooking in my NY Italian family’s kitchen I take your audience on a journey with stories of adversity and triumph, heartbreak and unconditional love. They will be deeply moved and inspired as they discover:

  • How to look for the gift in the dysfunction.
  • Laughter is the shortest distance between two souls
  • How to find strength from early childhood trauma

What You Put Into The Sauce Of Your Life Makes All The Difference!

John Barbours World Guest, Scott Horton May 28, 2018
Radio Show Host, Assistant Editor, Foreign Policy Advisor

Scott Horton is the host of Antiwar Radio for KAOS Radio 95.9 FM in Austin, Texas, KUCR 88.3 FM in Riverside, California and, where he is also assistant editor. Horton conducts interviews with journalists, politicians, pundits, lawyers and experts on foreign policy and war-time law. Guests have included Eric Margolis, Ron Paul, Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg, Russel Means, Harry Browne, John Cusack, Pat Buchanan, Noam Chomsky, Lew Rockwell, Patrick Cockburn, James Bamford, Sibel Edmonds, Glenn Greenwald, pseudonymous Matthew Alexander, Andrew Bacevich, Robert A. Pape, and near weekly appearances by Gareth Porter.

Horton won the Austin Chronicle’s “Best of Austin” award “Best Iraq War Insight and Play by Play” for Antiwar Radio in 2007.

Horton hosted six shows in Austin, Texas, including Say it Ain’t So on controversial micro broadcast station Free Radio Austin which was followed by The Way Sh*t Is, The Best I Can Tell, the Philip Dru Interviews, the Weekend Interview Show and KAOS Report. He also hosts a weekly broadcast for Pacifica Radio’s KPFK 90.7 FM in Los Angeles

In 2004, Horton served as foreign policy adviser to Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik.