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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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New Reality Solutions Guest, Dr. Nancy Wiley June 17, 2022
Author and Speaker

At the age of 12, Dr. Nancy Wiley became fascinated by how certain people seemingly manifest things into their lives -- when she manifested a beautiful thoroughbred jumper for herself.

After reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind just a few short years later, she began to understand how she had created this. Simultaneously, she also began a lifelong practice of meditation that resulted in the attainment of Unity Consciousness. With her continuing experience and ever-growing confidence in navigating through her inner realm, she was able to reach a state whereby she no longer suffers, no matter what life presents. Her Trust in Source has become unshakeable.  

From direct experience, she is now absolutely certain that there is a Divine Presence that wants everyone to know It and Trust It. For the past eight years, she has been enrolled in the Inner Circle of a comprehensive program called Your Year of Miracles where she became clear that her next Divine Assignment was to assist others in opening to the state of Trust in the Divine, as she has done. In her new book, Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Suffering and Find Your Way Home,, she lays out a blueprint that anyone can easily follow to achieve this incredible state of Divine bliss and trust for themselves and thereby achieve freedom from suffering. 

Dr. Nancy Wiley spent 27 years building a highly successful orthodontics practice in Florida. It was the school tragedy in Parkland that spurred her to feel the time was right to create and bring through Divine Trust. With the loss of one her own patients and the sorrow of so many around her, she felt introducing Divine Trust would be a path to healing for many.  

Dr. Nancy Wiley now dedicates herself to igniting a massive shift in human conscious, using Divine Trust as the cornerstone.    


To get her book:


Life Changes Show Guest, NADINE CASANOVA May 23, 2022
Creative visionary, experiential designer, musician, content creator, producer, global thinker, sound healer and accomplished entrepreneur


Nadine Casanova (Kalibri) is a creative visionary, experiential designer, musician, content creator, producer, global thinker, sound healer and accomplished entrepreneur. She has been creating waves in the entertainment industry, integrating art and activism through music and film. She has also been on a mission for over a decade to create a replicable model for regenerative community centers, a long-term plan to empower communities around the world with safe sanctuary spaces for art, education, music, advancement, culture, technology, experience and community initiatives. She has built her company Awa Oasia in the Los Angeles Arts District for the past 3.5 years and decided in January 2022 to release the space to focus on global expansion, art for impact and AWA Experiences – which is the mobile version of what she built at the LA hub.

AWA was one of LA’s most prominent art and community spaces. While in operation, AWA hosted 200+ events and experiences with clients such as Nike, Interscope, Reddit, and Google. Nadine’s passion lies in community service and locally focused global solutions. While the space is no longer in operation, she is bridging with spaces and communities worldwide and considering expansion.

Nadine has a strong background in leadership and bridging. She has grown a large and diverse network of healers, educators, artists, innovators and forward-thinking companies. Her empathy for humanity’s problems drives her commitment to individual and collective transformation, which she believes is best addressed through art and experience. Collaboration, inclusivity, joy, intention and expansion are at the core of Nadine’s essence. If there is an aligned project, she is open to exploring possibilities with other creatives, visionaries and/or entrepreneurs. She works passionately from the heart and brings magic to every endeavor.

Currently Nadine is focused on multi-media art for impact. She is developing a media project with WeCare Impact to support initiatives to protect the Amazon. She is also in motion on a series about community regenerative living, introducing a New Earth way of living and utilizing ancient-future technologies, including blockchain, to optimize healthy living and honor the earth. She is also developing an NFT series combining film and music for causes dear to her heart.

Nadine is spirit guided. She invites collaboration and projects to uplift humanity!

Life Changes Show Guest, JOHN D LIU May 23, 2022
Television producer and cameraman, Ecosystem Restoration activist, Research Professor, Fellow, Ambassador


Short Biography: John D. Liu

In the 1980s and 1990s John D. Liu worked as a television producer and cameraman with CBS News, RAI and ZDF covering geo-political events including the rise of China from poverty and isolation and the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the mid-1990s the World Bank asked John to document the rehabilitation of the Loess Plateau.

Since learning that it is possible to rehabilitate large-scale damaged ecosystems John has devoted his life to understanding and communicating about the potential and responsibility to restore degraded landscapes on a planetary scale. Since 2009 John has worked with Willem Ferwerda the Founder and CEO of the Commonland Foundation, which is catalyzing privately invested large-scale restoration in many parts of the world. John is also the founder of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps movement that began in 2016 and has grown to over 40 camps in 6 continents and continues to grow.

Studying ecology led John to receive a number of academic appointments. In 2003 John was given a visiting Fellowship with the Faculty of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of the Built Environment at the University of the West of England (UWE), in 2006 John was named the Rothamsted International Fellow for the Communication of Science at the Rothamsted Research Institute of the UK, from 2008 to 2012 Mr. Liu pursued graduate studies in Soil science and ecology at Reading University, in 2009 Mr. Liu was appointed Assistant Research Professor at George Mason University, from 2010 – 2013 he was a Senior Research Fellow with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and in 2013-2014, Mr. Liu was asked to collaborate with the Critical Zone Hydrology Group, Vrije University Amsterdam. In 2014 Mr. Liu was named a research fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (NIOO/KNAW) and continues to study.

John D Liu is currently Ecosystem Ambassador for the COMMONLAND FOUNDATION.

John has produced, filmed, written, directed and presented numerous films on Environment and Ecology for the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery, PBS and other networks.

Life Changes Show Guest, BONNIE GAYLE May 16, 2022
Accountant, Humanitarian, medium, crystal master, and spiritual guide


After selling a successful accounting practice, Bonnie is devoting her time to humanitarian work to improve quality of life overall and end child and human trafficking.  

In 2021, Bonnie moved cross country and was immediately taken in by Awake and Bold as an ambassador, working as part of a team to educate communities and be a part of the solution to end trafficking locally and worldwide.

Bonnie also works as a medium, crystal master, and spiritual guide helping clients to receive profound messages from loved ones who have past.

Life Changes Show Guest, Tess Cacciatore May 16, 2022
CEO Executive Producer at GWEN Global LLC and CEO of Global Women's Empowerment Network

Tess Cacciatore is Founder and CEO of Global Women's Empowerment Network (a 501c3) & CEO/Executive Producer at GWEN Global LLC a for-profit company dedicated to social impact & positive change in the entertainment arena.

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