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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Responder Resilience Guest, Dr. Renee Thornton May 24, 2023
Resilience Expert & Author

Dr. Renee Thornton holds a Doctorate of Crisis Intervention and a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, an MBA in International Business, as well as a dual Psychology and Communications degree. She has served as a guest lecturer for the Indiana University Vera Dwyer College of Health Studies, the John Jay School of Criminal Justice, and the John Jay School of Law and Police Science. Dr. Thornton is a visiting lecturer in the Communication and Business Schools in Arkansas Tech University and has served as an adjunct professor for Indiana University in the Ernestine M. Raclin School of the Arts and the Kelley School of Business.

Dare To Dream Guest, MAGENTA PIXIE May 28, 2023
Magenta is a Channel for the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine and devotee of all things hippy weird alternative green and woo woo.

My guest Magenta Pixie is a channel for the higher dimensional, divine intelligence known as 'The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine'.  The transmissions she receives from 'The Nine' have reached thousands of people worldwide through the extensive video collection on her YouTube channel.  Magenta has been communicating with the 'The Nine,' a sixth dimensional 'monadic light structure,' for over 24 years. She has written many books, her first book 'Masters of the Matrix,’ won the 'Best Spirituality Books of All Time' and 'Best Consciousness Books of All Time' book awards. Magenta works globally as an intuitive consultant and holistic life coach.  She lives in the New Forest, U.K. with her partner, her son, one dog and two cats.

Shadow Politics Guest, Joseph Richardson, Jr. May 21, 2023
Joel and Kim Feller Endowed Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences at the University of Maryland-College Park

Dr. Joseph Richardson, Jr. is the Joel and Kim Feller Endowed Professor of African-American Studies and Anthropology in the College of Behavioral & Social Sciences at the University of Maryland-College Park. This endowment supports his research on gun violence and trauma among Black boys and young Black men.

Dr. Richardson received his PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Rutgers University-School of Criminal Justice and his bachelor's degree in African and African-American Studies from the University of Virginia. He completed a Spencer Foundation Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Chicago and an NIMH clinical post-doctoral research training.

He holds a joint appointment in the Department of Anthropology (Medical) and a secondary appointment in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Division of Preventive Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Richardson is currently the principal investigator for the UMB Center for Injury Prevention and Policy and the Violence Intervention Program (Baltimore) — a hospital-based violence intervention program at the University of Maryland.

Dr. Richardson is the executive producer and director of the award-winning digital storytelling project entitled LIFE AFTER THE GUNSHOT — which explores the social context of gun violence, trauma and the intersection of the health care and criminal justice systems among 10 young Black men survivors of gun violence in Washington, DC.


Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Weston Imer May 19, 2023
Campaign Manager for Laurel for HD24, Chapter President with Turning Point USA, 2016 Co-Chair of the Jefferson County Colorado Trump Campaign.

Weston Imer is a political activist in Colorado, he is the Campaign Manager for Laurel for HD24, Chapter President with Turning Point USA, and 2016 Co-Chair of the Jefferson County Colorado Trump Campaign.

Weston Imer is a Republican Political Consultant and Advisor in the State of Colorado and around the country. Weston is a chapter President of Turning Point USA at Denver West, a local chapter he founded for homeschoolers and high school students in the west metro area. Weston is also the Youth ambassador for two Non-Profit organizations; The Calling helping kids and family's reach and find there God-Given gifts and talents, which is run by Chrysandra Brunson. Weston's other Ambassadorship is for Saint Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy. Which fights to save persecuted Christians in the Middle east. This endeavor is led by Father Andre Mahana. 

Weston was 12 years old when he was named Co Chair of The Jefferson County Trump Campaign, Colorado's 2nd most populous county.  Weston worked on the Trump Campaign for two years, building relationships with the staff of the Campaign and the first family itself. Weston was on escort teams for Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Rudy Giuliani, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Dr. Ben Carson and Governor Mary Fallon.

Weston is now 15 years old and is continuing to be politically active, as a Political Consultant and Advisor in Colorado. Weston has recently finished his work as a Top Aide for Steve Barlock's 2018 campaign for Colorado Governor. He was fighting with Steve to be All In For Colorado! In addition he is the Former Sr. Advisor to Mark Barrington for Colorado and his Congressional District 7 Campaign. Weston still speaks with the administration, and remains close with the Trump Family. His dream is to run the Colorado Trump Campaign in 2020, And Become the Future President of The United States! Weston is now Focused on Making Colorado Red Again in 2020 by pushing legislation to give the rural counties a voice in State elections. If you would like to help with the movement of One Voice Colorado, Please Reach Out!

Dare To Dream Guest, ROB GAUTHIER May 21, 2023
Rob Gauthier, a professional channel for Pleiadian, ET, and Archangelic consciousness. He's channeled thousands of ET races for individuals all over the world.

Rob Gauthier is one of the most respected trance channelers in the world. For more than a decade, he has helped thousands of individuals receive clarity on their life path and mission through his classes, coaching, and readings. Rob primarily works with three main guides - Aridif, Treb Bor Yit-Ne, and Metatron - and also channels hundreds of ET consciousnesses. Rob is an in-demand speaker and teacher and has been featured on GAIA TV, in many documentaries, internet shows, interviews, and books for his unique channeling abilities. 

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