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SHOW SPECIAL: Summer activities that set you up for fall Success.
Yvonne E.L. Silver
Broadcast Date

Bestselling Author, Speaker, Mentor and Coach - Yvonne E.L. Silver shares Top Tips garnered from hundreds of conversations with women entrepreneurs and professionals, on:

"Summer activities that set you up for fall Success":

  • How can you have more time?
  • How to have more work life balance?
  • Attract more new business?
  • Retain more of your current Clients?
  • Improve the quality of your family time?

    And more...

    Yvonne E.L. Silver - Confidence Catalyst, Speaker, Author and Coach/Mentor

    Yvonne teaches ambitious female founders/entrepreneurs with a mission-inspired venture to flourish in business and how to have unshakable confidence, so they can move up from Solopreneur to CEO. Women often lack clarity and struggle with doubts or imposter syndrome. Yvonne teaches how to showcase your value with Confident Conversations & increase Sales Velocity - leading to a purposeful, sustainable life, with more fun and family beach time.

    Growing up in England with a father who returned from World War 2 with PTSD, she watched him drain the dignity out of her Mum, until she became a fragile shell of the professional woman she once was - she lost her voice and her power. After suffering from his abuse too, she rose up to help women to stand up, be heard and use powerful language to succeed in life and business.