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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

Energy–>Thought–>Solutions: Using Supermundane Tools

Ira Palmer is a student of all the great religions, East and West, a leader in the NAACP, and an expert in teaching why and how the Ageless Wisdom spiritual teachings are the most practical tools that the suffering world needs right now to survive, and beautifully so. He has written a primer to help us understand and apply the esoteric teachings in Helena Roerich’s book ‘Supermundane.’ The information in this gem of a book was given to her by enlightened Masters including Maitreya, The World Teacher, the one expected by all religions under different names: Krishna, The Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatar, Messiah, the Fifth Buddha Maitreya. Practicing how to create our future world is now the one hope for mankind.
There is a spiraling crisis of African-American male teachers and students in this country. African-American boys and young men are suspended and expelled at much higher rates than their peers of other races, and up to 50% of children expelled from preschool are African-American boys, even though they’re only 20% of the students.

My special guest, Lamarr Darnell Shields, PhD, the Founder and Senior Director of Education and Innovation at the Cambio Group, and former professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Education discusses this shocking trend, causes, and solutions that help African-American boys and young men express their brilliance, including the necessity of recruiting and retaining African-American male teachers.


• How the game is designed for black and brown people to lose
• About the devastating impact upon African-American boys’ future when they don’t learn to read by the end of 2nd grade
• How educational approaches are designed for girls’ learning styles, causing boys to be treated as defective girls
• Boys don’t need fixing! Move away from fixing boys to fostering resiliency
• Effective communication for boys involves helping them develop an emotional vocabulary and giving them simple, straight-forward bullet point instructions, not complex, layered instructions
• What is turning boys off and tuning them out?
• 10 Successful Strategies for teachers and parents to engage black and brown boys before psychological, spiritual, and physical suicide.
• About the necessity of African-American male teachers as role models because boys can’t become what they don’t identify with and because of the significant improvement in African-American boys’ success
• How chronic stress including from racism and discrimination causes illness

#blackboys #education #BlackHistoryMonth #mentalhealth #DDLSS #DrDurrLivingInTheSweetSpot #DrJawanzaKunjufu #saveoursons #blackchildren #blackmaleteachers #teachingstrategies #BlackLivesMatter #mentalwealth #empowerment #psychology #confidence #humanity #racialequality #mindbodyspirt #trashtalking #racismandmentalhealth #stressrelief #success #rolemodels #resilience #personaldevelopment #rosesandthorns #mindfulness #meditation