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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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1st Century: Saturday or Sunday?

In May of 2024, some who claim to have studied the Bible and early Christian church history posted that, "Sunday was a day highly regarded by ALL Christians by the close of the First Century." The two also referred to Acts 15 and suggested that "settled the matter." Yet, the Apostle Paul kept preaching on the Sabbath afterwards and in Acts 28:17 made it clear he had not switched to advocating Sunday. What does a properly translated version of Hebrews 4 teach about the people of God keeping the seventh-day Sabbath? What did 'Ante-Nicene Fathers' such as Origen of Alexandria teach related to Sabbath-keeping and Hebrews 4? Did Eusebius teach that the faithful leaders in Jerusalem were there until the second century, and hence that they did not endorse Sunday? When did Sunday get acceptance? Was there any relationship to the Jewish Bar Kochba revolt and then edits from Emperor Hadrian? Could that have also impacted the date of Passover. What did Marcus of Jerusalem advocate? Do we have records of the faithful splitting from the compromisers? Did a Gentile man ordained by the original Apostles, Polycarp of Smyrna keep the Sabbath in the mid-second century? Who are the late 2nd century Theophilus and late 3rd century Lucian of Antioch? What about people in Armenia, Ethiopia, and Asia Minor? Could Simon Magus or Marcion have been early anti-Sabbath advocates? What reason does the Roman "Catholic Mirror' give for the change to Sunday? Are Christians to obey God rather than men? Steve Dupuie and Dr. Thiel go over these matters.
Tony Alamo

Pastor Tony Alamo Revelation 6 - #762 Part 1

Pastor Alamo reads and comments on the Book of Revelation chapter 6. This program is part of a series covering the entire Book of Revelation

How to have God's Life living in you

The four and twenty elders fall down before Him and said to Him that sat on the throne they worshiped Him that lives forever and ever and ever and they cast their crowns. These guys that were on earth and they got crowns by doing the work of the Lord by letting the Lord live in them and work in them and speak in them and preach in them and teach in them and prophecy in them and do them things that them people in Heaven did in order to be there.