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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg and friends Tom & Melinda Gould

The Gathering: A Discussion about After Life Communication
Moments of loss make us more grateful. Even when we're angry and sad and hurting. We give extra thanks for every thing I cherish that is here now, every thing I've loved that has been, and every good thing that is still to come.
Thanksgiving will have a different flavor this year. Could be our deepest ever. A 2020 Thanksgiving on Crazy Sexy Midlife Love radio.

We're staying home. We're having no guests. We are not shopping for turkey or cooking a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. But we will have Thanksgiving in spades. Because the list of what we have to be grateful for is endless.

And tonight we're broadcasting a new, live, gratitude-themed episode.

We're going to pull Tarot cards again. It's become an audience favorite, and it's a great device for positively approaching life's challenges and changes. Tonight on the Gratitude Episode of Crazy Sexy Midlife Love radio.