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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guest Jo Iskra (Joanne Sheval Iskra), and Ole Dammegard,


Jo Iskra (Joanne Sheval Iskra) - Jo Sheval ~ Iskra
Building relationship through stillness and mindfulness

Jo has had an extensive history spanning over 3 decades in publishing, advertising, speaking, marketing, healing and equestrian pursuits. Jo started her first advertising business in 1989 at the age of 22, taking that business to a million dollar turn over in less than 5 years.

Raised in Sydney with a family farm at Forbes, Jo spent much of her time alone on the farm being with animals, horses and nature.

Venturing from Sydney to Alexandra in 1996, as an early tree changer to raise her family and pursue horses, Jo has spent her time in regional Victoria providing communication strategies for local businesses and governments whilst breeding and training Welsh B ponies and Warmbloods. Jo also co-run the Avalon Reign Training Centre in Yarck with her former husband.

Jo has a strong entrepreneurial and empathic spirit and has spent years studying with many world class, entrepreneurs and has been an avid long-term student of many subjects such as quantum physics, spiritual psychology, intuitive healing, nutrition, healing modalities, personalities, human behaviour, animal communication, horse training, personal/self/professional development and inter-species communication.

Jo’s passion for understanding the complexities of human and animal/nature connected-ness is due to her highly sensitive and intuitive ability which shows itself in visions, dreams, premonitions and apparitions which started at the tender age of 6.

After years of nagging her parents, Jo was given her first horse (Above) for Christmas in 1979 and her non-horsey parents gave her a bridle and a brush and that was it. So Jo spent years riding around the family farm bareback, not realizing that she was developing a very handy independent seat.

When Jo move to Alexandra in 1996 she sought out a trainer that would help her get back in the saddle after taking time out for career and family and she also wanted someone that would teach her more than just riding. The universe answered her call when she was introduced to Kailie Nott. A strong bond developed and the two have worked together on many horse related projects and clinics ever since.

Jo was very involved with the Parelli programs in the late 90s and attended many horsemanship clinics, Buck Brannanman clinics and was riding her beloved horse, Bonnie bare back and bridleless. However, she felt something was missing and these trainers never really connected with what Jo was really searching for.

It was upon reading Linda Kohanov’s books that she finally felt her prayers answered. It was refreshing and exciting and a very feminine difference to everything or anyone else she had come across. It was during this time that Jo also became an Equine Facilitated Learning instructor with Franklin Levinson and Elaine Hughes through program.

Jo went on to teach Equine Facilitated Learning programs with Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre, disability centres and one on one lessons with adults and children.

Developing your relationship and skills with horses is a life long journey and Jo has continually invested in books, online courses, training programs and all things horsey and healing, seeking out the leaders that resonate the most with Jo’s philosophy and ethics.

Along with developing and running programs with Kailie, Jo and Kailie are currently studying the Trust Technique with Shelley and James French and were honoured to host them in Seville at Jo’s farm for 5 days in February 2018. Jo and Kailie have found their work the most complementary and empowering to the Holistic Equitation programs.

Jo believes we are all connected through the unified field and this connection was continually validated throughout Jo’s horse breeding years when every single foal that was born had visited Jo in her dreams or in visions before their birth giving her details of their colour, markings, sex and sometimes what they wanted to be called. Oddly enough they were often accompanied by other archetypal animal energies such as elephants, lamas, cows and even prehistoric creatures. These archetypal energies often depicted the nature of these horses and ponies. Jo would sometimes illustrate the ponies before their births which always astounded Kailie when she would get to meet the foals in real life.

Jo has rescued many animals throughout her life (including Matilda the donkey and Kirra Roo above) and is a registered wildlife foster carer and to this day believes some of her deepest and most reward relationships were with the baby kangaroos she raised.


Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, musician (2 solo albums), composer (TV, and a short film), artist, inventor and investigator, who has dedicated the last 35 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Millions of viewers and listeners around the world have taken part of his interviews and presentations. His main focus has been to find out the truth about the assassinations of JFK, the Swedish Prime minister Olof Palme, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Lady Di, plus the hundreds of alleged mass shootings and terror attacks such 911, Norway, Oklahoma City and many, many more.

Ole has done some 500-1000 International interviews and is now considered somewhat of a world leading expert on false flag operations. He has accurately predicted (on International radio) 49 alleged terror attacks, up to 2 months before they occurred, and in addition stopped several planned massacres. With so many years of deep research, he has become so good at it, that his last name has now become a verb. To ‘dammegard” or ‘dammegarding’ is nowadays a term for searching for hidden clues and stopping inside jobs ordered by the Deep State. Ole has appeared as an International speaker in the USA, Mexico, UK, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Poland, Gibraltar, Spain and Sweden. He was chosen to represent the people of Europe when giving a JFK-memorial speech in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 2016, as well as being a speaker at the World Peace Day both in Spain and in Gibraltar.

He is an International Raj Yoga teacher and the author of 4 books, including what has been named a Master Piece; Coup d’etat in Slow Motion, Part I-II, as well as receiving awards for his air brush art work and custom car creation. In addition, as a young man he was quite an adventurer, who after having traveled alone on an old bicycle through Europe, helped to smuggle out some friends from war-torn Iran (1984), beautifully described in the true story ‘Shadow of Tears’.
Talking Points Radio Toni Every Day Business with John Williams

Intro to show and reminder of where to listen and see podcast

Intro to Co Host John and Andreia Method – Inspire influence and impact your word by being who you were meant to be. John - Briefly why and want is the Andreia Method and who does it help – online do it yourself, self paced, can go back again and again, you will get results without having to Waste valuable time, money and effort, Attend countless workshops/seminars, Continue the search for the Holy Grail, Do training that doesn’t stick, Fake it until you make it, Do affirmations , Do endless research, Reinvent the wheel, Follow a Guru, Walk across hot coals and who’s it for? The 3 principles of Andreia – Shakespeare had a point you are the master of you universe and red and blued don’t make green

This weeks show – Module one of the Andreia Method Discover your default – begin where you are now

Internal Chatter, The Power of Your Words and Be, Do, Have!

Your default thinking casts a shadow over everything you do. It’s like an old computer program that you’ve got running on auto-pilot, that you wake up to every morning. And, it’s running the same program over and over. And it’s this program and these thoughts that you are very familiar with, that you no longer want. You may have heard this before: Your thoughts create your reality, whether they are yours, or someone else's you believe they're true doesn’t matter. At some level you believe it and that's your default thinking. PAUSE and allow this to sink-in!

Why? because you were born like that, it’s the environment you grew up in and your experiences to date. Your thoughts create your reality

Internal chatter – what is it? Why is it important to pay attention? Does everyone have internal chatter?