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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

My Galactic Wisdom Conference will be held in Olympia, Washington on March 13-14, 2021 with some of the world’s best and most amazing spiritual healers, UFO experts and contactees, and psychics, including myself (Ted Mahr) on our bright, beautiful future, and Professor Gerald Pollack (World famous water scientist), Michiko Hayashi (Emoto Peace Project, Tokyo Japan), Tom Paladino (Scalar Energy), James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy), Cario Rocha (alternative health methods),  Anthony and Rieko (Angelic Mediums and Psychics from Japan). Emmanuel Itier (Famous French Hollywood spiritual film director), Alfred Webre (Famous Lawyer), Qanon, Billie Woodard and Zorra (Telos/Hollow Earth), Alex Collier (Andromeda Galaxy), Eric Raines (Wonderful spiritual healer). The cost to listen live online or attend in person (with limited seating) is just $25 for the entire weekend! To register, please go to: I hope you can all attend this world class event! 
Guest, Anil Gupa, the Love Doctor, The Happiness Formula

Hello everyone and welcome to Radio Toni Every Day Business with your host Toni Lontis - Thank you for your amazing support last year and Its wonderful to be back live streaming with you on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Youtube and BBSRadioTV

Christmas reflections and New years aspirations

Intro to the amazing guest for today Anil Gupta the Love Doctor

Anil knows what its like to struggle and face significant adversity. It sucks the joy right out of your relationships and your life. Anil has spoken in 18 countries, four continents and in 8 languages to audiences of over 10 000 people. He is a TEDx, Fox News and Harvard Speaker. Anil developed the Happiness Formula and the Happiness Test. Anil has written and international best seller called Immediate Happiness. Anil helps people get clarity and fulfillment in their relationships through the powerful systems that he has developed. He helps parents connect back with their children, runs family coaching programs that help families overcome obstacles that cause them to fight constantly. He’s worked with famous celebrities like Mike Tyson and has been a guest speaker with Sir Richard Branson on Necker Island, here in Australia.

Anil is a EXPERT on relationships and happiness and has performed his relationship and mindset workshops in over 18 countries across the world. Anil runs the Perfect Partner Program – two days of mindset training, teaching and real-life role play and the next retreat starts soon – Sat and Sun 9th and 110th Jan 7pm ET USA. Link in chat box

So, lets meet Anil

Welcome to Radio Toni we are so privileged to talk to you tonight. Trigger warning

Let’s start at the beginning and talk about life pre suicide – what was life like pre 2008?

What was not working and what led to the suicide attempt in 2008?

How did you recover? And what did you learn?

Lets talk about the book, Immediate Happiness: Be Happy NOW Using Practical Steps with Immediate Proven Results. Immediate Happiness was published in 2013 and is an international best seller. What made you decide to write and what was that process like for you? How did writing a book help grow your business?

What is the Happiness Formulae? - H = G3 – Give, Grateful, Grow

How the Happiness Formula has impacted on your business – we know it saved your life.

There’s a wonderful phase in your book that is so apt to bring through into a discussion about life and business – its Clarity brings focus, focus brings action, action brings results, results bring growth, growth brings success, success brings fulfillment, fulfillment brings all – Its time now for clarity. As we enter 2021 what does clarity mean to Anil and how important is clarity in business?

Lets talk about another portion of that phrase and that’s action – how hard was it when you were so distressed in 2008 to take action?

What was it like talking at Richard Branson’s retreat and was it difficult coaching Mike Tyson?

I want to talk about what life looks like now for you and your family?

What does the future hold for Anil?

Anil Gupta- thank you