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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

What Does Laughter Have to do With Abundance?
This Friday, March 18th on The New Reality Solutions Show we will be talking with Pragito Dove, M.A. - a leading authority in North America on Expressive Meditation techniques and hypnotherapy, and an Amazon bestselling
author of “LUNCHTIME ENLIGHTENMENT: Expressive Meditations for Manifesting Peace, Prosperity and Passion”.

She’ll be discussing with us how you can use these techniques, such as these, and laughter so that you can have more abundance both in your life and in your business.

Join us at 9pm EST/6pm PST as Dr. Art and Dr. Chris interview this extraordinary woman.
Living Your True Purpose

Have you settled for only a sense of your purpose?

Do you know your purpose in life?

For that matter, do you even know what purpose is? 

Imagine what your life would be like if instead of spending your time, money, and energy searching for your purpose and identity, you pivoted to investing those same resources into giving expressing to your purpose.  

Many people are feeling a bit lost. They know they have a contribution to make, but they aren’t quite sure how to put it all together into knowing their exact purpose.

Our upcoming guest (this Friday, March 4th at 9pm EST / 6pm PST), best-seeing author Kevin McCarthy says: “Find Your Purpose – Find Yourself!” and he helps you to discover a more meaningful & powerful you in 3 simple steps.

He also offers our listeners a special free gift to help you in your quest for your NEW Reality - to start with knowing your 2-word purpose.

Kevin says: “Find Your Purpose – Find Yourself!” and he helps you to Discover a More Meangful & Powerful You in 3 Simple Steps.

Since the 1980s Kevin W. McCarthy has thought, written, and spoken about being on-purpose. Today, his crusade is to eradicate meaninglessness from the planet. It starts with you finding your 2-word purpose in life using, an ingeniously fast and forever online tool. In about 3-minutes you’ll know your purpose. 

With the publication in 1991 of The On-Purpose Person, Making Your Life Make Sense Kevin began a conversation and a movement about purpose.  This was followed by The On-Purpose Business Person, Doing More of What You Do Best More Profitably.  There isn’t another person on the planet who knows as much about the meaningful integration and application of purpose.

1. The Core to the New Realty Solutions approach is Mind-Body-Spirit. How does purpose fit?
2. Over your 30-plus years of pioneering and professing the benefits of knowing your purpose, what has changed?
3. You have a very specific clarity around the meaning and power of purpose, tell us more.  
4. Why do you use a 2-word purpose statement?
5. How do I refine or know if my purpose is right for me?
6. We’re all so busy these days.  Is it worth the time to contemplate things like purpose? 
7. How are purpose and one’s work related? 
8. People, especially in business, describe themselves as "purpose driven.” How do purpose driven and on-purpose relate?
9. Can organizations be on-purpose?
10. How many people have you helped find their purpose in life?