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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Florida Gov. DeSantis becomes more of a hero every day, while Fauci is increasingly a goat. Plus when are Denver Police and School Board officials ever going to deal with accused predator Tay Anderson? All that and more on the Chuck and Julie Show today.
Talking Points Radio Toni – A Conversation with Kez

Jennifer Sharp – Daisy lane Publishing

Jennifer is the founder of Daisy Lane Publishing and Mindset Magic - Confidence and Wellness Coaching. She is on a mission to support as many as she can with living their life fully with positive intentions and to assist them with publishing their story along the way. Jennifer is a leader in the publishing industry and has published award-winning authors. She has assisted many with telling their success stories globally, whether it be in business or life or from their imagination. She has created coaching and mentoring programs that develop the writer's confidence in themselves and strategies that help them stay confident within themselves in all areas of their lives. Jennifer is also passionate about children's picture books and poetry, bringing to life stories that deal with trauma, displacement, homelessness, separation, domestic violence, and language learning.

In a previous life she was an Early Years teacher and Literacy/Mindset Coach and linguist. Today she is a lover of both cats and dogs, serving them twenty four hours a day whilst drinking much more coffee than she cares to admit too.

Jennifer Welcome to the show we are so glad to have you here…

Talking points for Jennifer Sharp

· How important is Diversity in Literature?

· What are some of the books you have written?

· What is your writing process like Jennifer? Where do you begin and finish?

· In your bio it says you are also a publisher, tell us more about that journey?

· How do you know when you have an Author that will sell?

· When was that point in your life you felt that this was for you, the publishing And writing

· Have you ever been in an anthology and does your publishing company encourage anthologies?

· Tell us about your experiences in the publishing field, have there been obstacles in your publishing career

· What genre in a writing client are you looking for

· Is there another book about to be published by yourself

· Do you feel that that writing is a lost communication skill or needed more than ever

· Do you Mentor writers

· Where would you like to see your book in the next two years

· Do you think writing is a craft and must be exercised regularly

· And if Jennifer could give advice to a younger Jennifer what would it be.