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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Biden announces an official push to export the Colorado Model of ballot harvesting, all mail ballots and no need to worry about pesky identification issues to other states. It’s crucial to fight back on every front… and we’ll be talking about it today on the Chuck and Julie Show
Looking Good with Daniella Platt

Guests: Roosevelt Morris, Dana Opas & Tucker Whitcomb


Broadcast at noon on at noon, the BBS Radio will be at 2pm PST

Theme: ​

Segment 1

Get Over the "I Can't Afford It Syndrome" with Roosevelt Morris, Cash for Creatives
His wife left. He lost his job. Retired US Marine, Funding Expert, Roosevelt Morris Lost Everything and lived in his car.

He made the decision: His American Nightmare was not going to happen to anyone else. Today, Roosevelt Morris is on a mission to keep businesses in business, for people to chase their dreams – not he money. [He makes access to money sound easy too]. After taking a bath in his car one day, he popped into Goodwill. He ran into a former marine who told him “Sergeant Roosevelt, you saved my life, you were in charge we call come home.” He was then offered an opportunity: To learn about investments. That homeless, car bird-bathing day changed his life. Today, Roosevelt is a recognized funding financial expert, an author, and he's on a mission to keep American’s in business. No one should suffers the pain he endured to achieve success through his company, 133 Approved Funding Incorporated.

When you feel there’s no hope, he can provide you with hope. Tune into to hear his story, find out how to lose "the I can't afford it syndrome?" and get wisdom about how to get money and save.

On asking why Roosevelt loves this business? "I see people’s faces go from feeling defeated and having these puffy eyes to hope. I love to see the blood and the life come back into people when they see that there is hope."

"Credit can make you or break you or take you out. We have a free guide: how to boost your credit from 100 to 200 points even if your credit sucks." To get it, text Looking Good to 26786 to find out if you qualify for funding or to learn more, visit Roosevelt's special offers to our community at

Segment 2

New parents, Dana Opas & Tucker Whitcomb, release Alice & the Land of Likes, a children's book to prepare kids for social media. Meet the authors.
Alice & the Land of Likes is a story to help children emotionally prepare for the social media and the instinct to judge their self-worth by how many likes they get. We caught up with the authors, husband and wife duo, Tucker Whitcomb and Dana Opas, to meet Alice, understand the book's purpose and impact on your children, and the inspiration behind the characters.

Dana and Tucker have seen many of their friends get consumed by social media and hurt if they don’t get enough likes. After scouring the web, they couldn’t find any children’s books meant to help kids avoid falling into this same trap, so they decided to write their own. By writing a

children’s book aimed at kids before they start using social media, the hope is that when they start posting online they’ll remember our book and not let “The Likes” get them down.

Check out the books at and at Looking Good YAYA Marketplace


Join us on October 3 at the Love Your Body Event in Los Angeles to support Artists for Trauma and other organizations. For more details to be on the runway or have a vendor booth, inquire at or text 323 963 4377.

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