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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

Produced and Delivered Web-TV Programming

Topic: How Your Beliefs Shape Your Life
Your beliefs have a profound impact on everything you feel, think, do and achieve in your life.  Many beliefs are formed in early childhood from what you observed and what your parents, teachers and other adults said to you, or about you.  This happened before you had an opportunity to determine whether the belief was helping you be successful in life or harming you to go down a wrong road.

But your beliefs also have a profound impact on your genes and your health.  While for years medical science held that your genes control your health, this was disproven by Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist.  His book, The Biology of Belief, and the research he brought forth radically changed cellular biological science as we knew it.  Basically, he revolutionized an aspect of mind-body-spirit medicine that was not possible with the previously accepted scientific dogma.  His work opened the way for tremendous breakthroughs in our understanding of health, genetics, behavior, wellbeing and so much more.  His new science is termed “Epigenetics.”
Guest, Marina, psychic medium, conscious channeler, experiencer, ET contactee/abductee, mother of alien/human hybrids in the Hybrid Programs, Secret Space Program psychic super soldier/insider, and MK ultra monarch survivor.