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Soleilmavis Liu
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The book "The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42" starts from introducing ancient civilizations in China, the Arctic Circles, Americas and Oceania, which were the Ends of the Earth. Queen of Sheba's ancestor, Sheba(1)'s offspring had moved to the Ends of the Earth after Peleg, enabling Queen of Sheba(1) and the Queen of the South to fulfill Matthew 12:42, "came from the Ends of the Earth." Soleilmavis presents this book with a large number of historical and archaeological facts, conclusive  arguments, scientific and systematic analysis, and rigorous study and demonstration of each chapter.

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Soleilmavis Liu is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China in a rural area which had a simple and vanilla environment. She gained her Bachelor Degree in China and went to study for a Master Degree in Australia in 2001.

More information about the book, please read:

The Queen of the South