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Shelly Wilson
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Intuitive Medium Shelly Wilson will discuss choosing to live a life with passion, presence and purpose and share about her new book, Embracing the Magic Within. Shelly has created this inspirational and empowering book reminding us to embrace the magic within. At times, our earthly existence can feel mundane as we seemingly go through the motions of being human and function on auto-pilot. Shelly invites us to consciously attune body, mind and spirit to the expression of our true self. We have the opportunity to activate, embody and embrace all of our magical Divine being through an intentional and conscious practice of connection, communication and creation. Through positivity, authenticity, inspiration, words of wisdom and personal stories, Shelly aims to purposefully assist us with acknowledging and integrating this expansive, magical energy, so that we can truly live a life we love. It’s time to Shine! Topics to discuss include self-care, self-love, personal growth, awareness, conscious creation, intuition, spiritual development, etc.


Shelly Wilson is an author, intuitive medium, Reiki Master and conscious creator who is passionate about helping people wake up to their greatness. She supports others as they navigate their own journey into consciousness to experience aliveness. She offers private sessions, intuitive coaching, small business coaching, Reiki sessions and teaches workshops. Shelly’s books, 28 Days to a New YOU, Connect to the YOU Within, Journey into Consciousness and Embracing the Magic Within are available in paperback and eBook. She is also the creator of Cards of Empowerment and Clarity Cards. She is a registered Karuna® Reiki Master through the International Center for Reiki Training. Residing in Oklahoma, she has a BS in Business with a minor in Psychology.

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Embracing the Magic Within book cover