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Ron Coleman
Your Pitch

Ron Coleman Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom

Please contact him or contact me. 203-265-5165 for interviews. 

We make for great talk!  Call us now and arrange an interview.

Thank you

Donna Prue--Admin for Ron Coleman


Ron Coleman is walking across America to end the unconstitutional and tyrannical overreach caused by the Government’s endless State of Emergency.

This Air Force Veteran is fulfilling his oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and he’s doing it one step at a time, LITERALLY.

Ron Coleman, aka , is putting out a “Call to Action” for all Americans to step up! It’s time to tell the government their deception, election fraud, corruption and tyrannical mandates are FINISHED!

We The People have had enough. Our Representatives need to actually “REPRESENT” us and defend our Constitution, freedoms and liberty.

The primary objectives of this movement are:

#1 – To END the State of Emergency concerning COVID-19 (started March 13, 2020)

#2 – To ensure National emergencies act is amended so it can never be abused in this manner again!

#3 – To EXPOSE, and ultimately hold accountable, all who abused National emergencies act to suppress our Constitutional rights and enrich themselves!

Contact Information:

Ron “Grey Wolf” Coleman
