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Eric A. Cinotti
Your Pitch

Subject: Podcast Interview Opportunity with Eric A. Cinotti – Host of "The Hostile Zone"

 hope this message finds you well. My name is Eric A. Cinotti, and I am reaching out to explore the possibility of appearing as a guest on your esteemed podcast. With a diverse and multifaceted background that spans law, academia, military service, and media, I bring a wealth of knowledge and unique perspectives that I believe would resonate deeply with your audience.

As the On-Air Personality and Host of "The Hostile Zone," a syndicated Radio TV Talk Show airing in prime time across over 1,000 stations and networks, I have cultivated a platform that is in the top 5% globally among 3.3 million shows. Our show, co-hosted with the vocal sensation Bianca Sea, is available on TV, AM/FM, and digital platforms in the U.S. and 54 other countries. My role extends beyond hosting; I own all commercial slots and social media associated with the one-hour show, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging media presence.

My career is built upon a foundation of academic and professional excellence. With years of experience as a professor, academic writer, and researcher, I have written and taught advanced courses in youth development and protection investigations. My work is regularly published across multiple news outlets, reflecting a sophisticated yet accessible writing style.

In addition to my academic achievements, I am a trained lawyer with a deep expertise in the United States Constitution, a nationally certified mediator, and hold a Master of Public Administration. My volunteerism and civic duties are extensive, including roles as a firefighter, certified emergency management specialist senior, and active EMS Instructor. My military service in the US Navy, Army National Guard, and three Title 32 state guards has endowed me with an indomitable spirit and steadfast resolve.

Currently, I serve as a consultant for an intelligence agency, leveraging my extensive background in national security and intelligence.

My approach to discourse is imbued with a rich vocabulary and deep legal insight, making for engaging and thought-provoking conversations. Whether discussing national security, youth development, or constitutional law, my objective is always to provide value, stimulate thought, and foster meaningful dialogue.

I would be honored to bring my experience and insights to your podcast, contributing to the rich tapestry of conversations that define your platform. Thank you for considering this opportunity, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you.

Warm regards,

Eric A. Cinotti
On-Air Personality and Host of "The Hostile Zone"


Eric A. Cinotti stands as a paragon of versatility and excellence, embodying a rich tapestry of experiences that span law, academia, military service, media, and national security. His multifaceted career is a testament to his unwavering dedication, intellectual rigor, and profound commitment to public service.

Early Life and Education

Eric's journey began in the esteemed halls of Ivy League institutions, where he honed his intellect and cultivated a sophisticated and refined academic prowess. His legal acumen is fortified by his deep expertise in the United States Constitution, although he is not a member of any state bar. Holding a Master of Public Administration, Eric's education underscores his proficiency in the management and administration of government, setting the stage for his diverse professional endeavors.

Military Service and Civic Duty

Eric's resilience and steadfast resolve are rooted in his distinguished military career. He has served in the US Navy, the Army National Guard, and three Title 32 state guards. His military service, marked by leadership and valor, has endowed him with an indomitable spirit and a keen understanding of national security and defense.

In addition to his military service, Eric has demonstrated a deep commitment to volunteerism and civic duty. He has served as a firefighter and certified emergency management specialist senior, showcasing his dedication to protecting and serving his community. As an active EMS Instructor, including BLS, First Aid, and CPR, Eric can certify individuals in all levels of EMS, First Aid, as well as CPR/AED for the Professional Provider with national and military accreditation.

Academic and Professional Excellence

Eric's academic achievements are complemented by his extensive experience as a professor, academic writer, and researcher. He has written and taught advanced courses in youth development and protection investigations, contributing to the intellectual growth and development of countless students. His work is regularly published across multiple news outlets, reflecting his sophisticated yet accessible writing style.

As a nationally certified mediator, Eric's nuanced understanding of conflict resolution is informed by years of academic and practical experience. His legal expertise, coupled with his mediation skills, positions him as a formidable force in negotiations and conflict resolution.

Media Presence and Influence

Eric's commanding presence extends to the media landscape as the On-Air Personality and Host of "The Hostile Zone." This syndicated Radio TV Talk Show airs in prime time across over 1,000 stations and networks, ranking in the top 5% globally among 3.3 million shows. Co-hosted with the vocal sensation Bianca Sea, the show is available on TV, AM/FM, and digital platforms in the U.S. and 54 other countries. Eric's role encompasses ownership of all commercial slots and social media associated with the one-hour show, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging media presence.

Current Endeavors

Currently, Eric serves as a consultant for an intelligence agency, leveraging his extensive background in national security and intelligence. His expertise in this arena is underscored by his involvement with multiple professional organizations and associations, where he serves on various committees addressing national infrastructure, security, and intelligence issues.

Personal Philosophy and Impact

Eric A. Cinotti's approach to discourse is imbued with a rich vocabulary and deep legal insight, making for engaging and thought-provoking conversations. His career is a testament to his intellectual versatility, resilience, and unwavering commitment to public service. Whether discussing national security, youth development, or constitutional law, Eric's objective is always to provide value, stimulate thought, and foster meaningful dialogue.

Eric's life and career reflect a profound dedication to his country, community, and the future, making him a distinguished figure in the realms of law, academia, military service, media, and national security.