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Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Anchoring and Centering in your body. As Consciousness we encompass multidimensional realities, but to fully experience and enjoy this one we have to be anchored in our body. Life wouldn't be as fun without a body to revel in physical pleasures! We'll share some ways to be in this world and not of this world.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Groups and Consciousness. Groups can be supportive, groups can help raise your awareness and help you move forward. But groups can also limit you. How can you stay with groups that you like to be a part of, yet not be held back by them?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about releasing your emotional baggage. We don't really want to forget the past, we just want to let go of regretting the past. How to appreciate the power of the present moment, and initiate future change from the Now.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Truth and Consciousness. In the US we have "freedom of speech" where we are allowed to "speak our truth", yet it is very subjective. From the perspective of Consciousness, what is Truth? What is freedom? Join us in Heart Space, aka Unified Consciousness, where we will tackle these issues and more!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Birthdays, Equinoxes, Eclipses and more! We'll talk about life anniversaries, and quantum leaping into a new cycle. How do you celebrate life and welcome in a new experience?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Astrology from the perspective of Consciousness. Reality is a hologram, and everything in it is created by Consciousness, thus able to change at any moment. Where does Astrology fit into this construct? We talk about having fun and playing in this realm of density and effort!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Shifts. In the movie 'The Shift', the late Wayne Dyer talks about the change in our consciousness from the morning to the afternoon of our lives. We talk about the shift from doing to Being, from ego to Consciousness, from self serving to a life of service.

How NOT to be Tossed And Turned By The Vortex ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

I came across a video of a piece of fabric, dancing in the vortex of a circle of fans.  It looks human, in the way it twists and twirls.  It looks how we feel, as we engage with different energies in this physical realm.

How I Lost 50# Without Even Trying ©2015 Joan Newcomb

I stopped growing when I was twelve but kept eating. By the time I was 14, I weighed the same as I would when I was 9 months pregnant with each of my kids.

My parents sent me to see a psychologist. He was fat, with greasy hair and dandruff on his shoulders. He gave me a 200 question assessment.  Afterwards he told me I was depressed, because I was overweight.

I have to say I was a little put off. Who was this guy to say *I* was fat?!?! I refused to see him again.

Today on Conscious Conversations Joan and Janet talk about Authentic Emotions. What to do when our inner emotions don't match our external projections. How to maintain a sense of well being when you don't feel a sense of well being. How does dropping into Heart Space facilitate our communication as Consciousness with our body/personality?