The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guests, John Eastman and, Todd Watkins
As corrupt DOJ moves to indict and jail Trump, attacks continue against his former attorney John. Eastman. Eastman joins the show to update the shameful court case seeking to take away his law license. Plus Colorado RINOs are in full meltdown over grassroots’ push to limit the Republican primary to Republican voters. Todd Watkins, candidate for CO HOP Vice Chair strikes back.
Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Guests, Anna Ferguson, State Party Secretary of the Colorado Republican Party and fellow grassroot activists, Ron Hanks, Peg Cage and, Todd Watkins.
The new Colorado GOP with an epic smackdown of whiny virtue-signaling RINOs. Plus the truth about the riots destroying France.
Guest, Todd Watkins
1. Black Box AI
2. Musk
3. Drake AI
Grassroots activist and Second Amendment supporter Todd Watkins call in from the Colorado State Capitol where progressives are trying to pull off another gun grab, this one focusing on what they call assault rifles.
Plus what is “black box AI and should we be worried about it
The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
Guests, Todd Watkins and Sabrina Baliste
RINOs know they can’t win a fair vote so they work to take over the El Paso County Republican Party in secret. Grassroots Republicans Todd Watkins and Sabrina Baliste expose what’s really going on.