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This interview is audio only, since John Edmonds' computer and other electronics were 'taken out' shortly before the interview got underway.

John Edmonds is an Arizona rancher whose Stardust Ranch has experienced bizarre and threatening alien invasions, and now hosts an extraordinary sanctuary for abandoned horses.

Shane Fairweather returns with important updates on what may well prove to be the final push of the light forces against the cabal and their ET handlers. In his second interview with Alexandra, Shane calls Trump's election "the final nail in their coffin," and places the President at two recent meetings with the galactic councils. However, Shane also comments on the tricky matter of cleaning up archonic interference, which has delayed the 'last act' already several times.

The Dragon Families


High Council of Agartha

The Moon and the Montauk Program

Declaration of Independence

Earth Grid

Heaven on Earth

Delay regarding the Financial

His perspective of the Pope

Federation vs. Galactic Federation of Light

The order in which it unfolds

Ascended masters


Density: third/fourth or higher?






Alexandra Meadors gives a private presentation on her experiences throughout South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, revealing the incessant Galactic assistance throughout her entire journey.  What began as a threat on her life, these missions were without a doubt some of the most profound experiences of her life.  After 60 days, she was confident that two major portals had been opened allowing never-before very high cosmic energies to assist with the ascension transition.