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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri and Kira

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

February Predictions & Archangelic Practices for Joy Filled Living

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri and Kira

Are you ready to LIFT OFF the Gameboard?  Prepare to FLY!

The 5th Dimension is HERE NOW!

Let’s navigate the journey many call life! Join Sri and Kira as they uncover an ascended view living in the regular world!

During this incredible hour Sri and Kira continue lovingly guiding us through the Inner Matrix of mass consciousness. 

They will share it all: freedom, attachment, love, relationships, union and more!

FREEDOM IS within your Grasp! 

You are saying all the right words, being diligent with your activities and yet it seems that you just can’t “get ahead”.  Whether it is finances, romance, professional advancement or something else, it is frustrating when you feel you are taking all the right steps and still nothing happens!  Why is that?  Is there a way to unravel this mystery?  Sri and Kira offer key answers and practical steps they know WORK and QUICKLY!  This is the moment to cultivate your most beautiful life!  

How often do we dismiss the “dismissible voice” that guides us from within?  Or simply deny our inner wisdom through doubt of lack of support from those around us?  Sri & Kira share valuable and important ways to assist you to quickly connect with your higher wisdom and the discernment that releases the doubt and invites the trust!  Through these simple techniques you will discover a world of answers and the blessing of living in peace!  Time to relax into your wisdom, let go of fear and say goodbye to the doubts!

So you've had a life changing spiritual experience . . .or several…now what? Often these experiences can leave us with more questions than answers and support is sometimes challenging to call forward.  Sri & Kira FOR THE FIRST TIME will share what happened in the 2870 yr old temple at Bet Dwarka, India and their own day to day challenges with integration of this experience and their life afterward.  Learn how to integrate your profound experiences with grace, ease and love!  All questions and personal sharing of your experiences are welcome.

Our mind invites images of fantastic stories when we hear the word magic and skepticism is our first response to many of these tales.  During their recent pilgrimage to India, Sri  & Kira “accidentally” were connected with AUTHENTIC and RARE Shaligrams and have much to share about their first hand experience and the ancient lore around these “incarnations of Vishnu as the Universal principle”. Fascinating and uniquely Sri & Kira discover why these energies are revealing themselves on the planet now.


Set aside the varied thoughts and myths about Friday the 13th for a moment. Open your mind and consider that you have been present for a fascinating shift in the human experience that occurred on Friday the 13th, 2015.

The events that shook Paris, France, and indeed the world, are challenging our world experience.  Just two days prior a similar incident rocked Beirut, Lebanon, yet the world response that rallied around Paris was profoundly different.