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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Pamela Pacetti, Hidden Love Story of Divorce, including the soul family and soul contracts. Pamela’s mission is to guide clients to reclaim sovereignty, end the repeated relationship patterns, for a healed recovery through the divorce process.

Soul Family & Soul Contracts in Breakups

This episode of A Fireside Chat with Lance White features two close friends - Helane Lipson, with Gregg Prescott from In5D.  Helane, a well-known psychic, radio show personality and event creator, discovered cancer while living in Hawaii.  Chemotherapy and radiation almost killed her.  With dwindling funds to remain on the islands, she opted to move with an old friend, Amy in Placerville, unsure of her direction.  She successfully went into remission with the "Rick Simpson Cure", a distillation of marijuana oil.