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Being Inspired With Q

Hollow Earth Discovered with Jane Stevens inteviewing Tom Paladino, Scalar Energy and Quantum Healing Energy Expert

Hari Om Everyone! 

Over the course of time since the Plandemic many of my messages have been to give people a heads up about external circumstances not to the benefit of spiritual people. I hope my now you have realized that the bio-weapon masquerading as a vaccine is not an option, and it was passed to DARPA from off world sources and then the DOD gave it to the pharmaceutical companies. The DOD owns the patent.

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Ravinder Gill, Tom Paladino and Eric Raines 

Guest 1: Ravinder Gill

Works with Activation and Light Codes, Higher Beings, Upgraded DNA, Shift into Self, Planetary Shift

Guest 2: Tom Paladino, Scalar Energy

Guest 3: Emmanuel, Documentary Film Maker

Guest 4: Eric Raines

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan E. Kolb

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb and guest Tom Paladino

Topic: Scalar Energy

Taming The Tida with Sharmin "Eslynne" (Turner) Smith

Taming The Tida with Sharmin Smith and guest Tom Paladino, Scalar Energy, Remote Energy Healing

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re not only talking about change, but we're talking about changing it up around the world!


I invite you to ask yourself this question - what is it that you're dying to do? What's that kind of crazy thing that you've always thought about trying, but then decided it would be too irresponsible or maybe even impossible?

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re talking about a healing treatment that has the potential to cure millions of people all over the world who suffer from a viral disease.


There have always been individuals that dare to think outside the box and create something new and different in the world. These changemakers are taking our world to new levels, and one of those people is today’s guest!

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves with guest Tom Paladino

​Please find attached my press kit for the scalar energy healing ministry.  I have discovered that scalar energy negates the molecular structure of pathogens thereby serving to cure people of viral, bacterial and fungal disease. I will speak of this discovery and affirm that scalar energy is the CURE for pathogenic disease. I look forward to working with other as we cure the world of tuberculosis, herpes, HIV, cholera, Lyme disease, etc.

Many thanks and blessings,

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan E. Kolb

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interviewing Tom Paladino

Topic: Scalar Energy