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Breaking from the System

A re-broadcast of October 04, 2015 podcast Titled: The Global Agenda and Pope Bergoglio

Evil has an Address: Cult Ritual Crimes and How to Stop Them

The War at Home: Stopping the Theft of our Children, and Establishing the Republic

Rebroadcast from July 05, 2015

Episode Link:

The War at Home: Stopping the Theft of our Children, and Establishing the Republic

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett & Ryan and special guests Dan Irvine and Jonathon Cattrysse

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Dan Irvine, Karen and Jonathon Cattrysse

"The death rate exceeds fifty percent ... This is a national crime."

- Dr. Peter Bryce, Medical Inspector for Indian Affairs, Ottawa, November 9, 1907

"Under the Law of Nations, criminal regimes have no legitimate right to govern, and their citizens are absolved from any allegiance to them ..."

Robert Jackson, Chief American Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, 1946


IMPORTANT: Well, due to the realization many of you have had after Kevin Annett delivered a stand down order to the RCMP Officers and the Canadian Supreme Court over the Burnaby Mountain Kinder Morgan protest, it has been proven that Common Law works! A call to action was delivered and the response by many of you was outstanding.  If you haven’t done so, take another step and join the movement to take back our land!

Revoke your allegiance to the government of England and the government of Canada!