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Alexandra is on the other side of the microphone today, being interviewed by Mike Harris of Veterans Today on his radio show The Short End of the Stick. They talk about the rising tide of consciousness and awareness regarding the inter-relatedness of all people, places and events; and how we have been prevented from truly discovering our own divinity, sovereignty and joy.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.

Shannon Guest and Alexandra Meadors review a unique and beautiful way of bringing forth angelic messages through personal artistic creations. Shannon is an Angel Intuitive and Psychic Artist. Through the brush or pastels, psychic messages transform into a visual reflection of Guardian Angels, Soul Portraits or other types of Guides and Teachers. Her hands are guided to create each and every brush stroke, one after another, until a portrait emerges.The process is through complete trust with her Angels, where they direct the outcome, allowing Shannon to be their conduit.

What is it about war that for some, bring out the most extraordinary quality in people from the most ordinary of men?  General Thomas Jackson: religious by birth, spiritual by choice, and faithful by conviction, how is it that a man of such humble beginnings could know how to use the darkness of war as a means of emerging as a representation for men to follow?  Jackson brought us to understand that there can be a clarity to conflict and a devotion to courage and principle – the very stuff that people look for in the folklore often found among heroes – which is nothing less than ex