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Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle with guest Ayman Sawaf

Paradigm Shifters presents Ayman Sawaf ~ Sacred Commerce Meets Emotional Intelligence

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Paradigm Shifters Presents - Ayman Sawaf shares his Paradigm Shifting wisdom - "Emotional Intelligence". Also that the three "P"s of the green movement, Profit, People, Planet - are integrating with the crucial fourth element, the Sacred Self.

BROOKE MEDICINE EAGLE, singer, song writer, author, and motivational speaker, will join us to talk about the rhythms of the earth, the renewal of Spring, and the feminine energy of Divine Mother that is permeating the planet at this time. This energy is touching the hearts of all living things, and reminding us of the nurturing, care-giving, compassionate, and forgiving love of our Mother, and it is empowering women to embrace their most precious gift as the life bearing chalice of the future generations who will carry the torch for mankind. Join us and be inspired!

ELIOT COWAN, author of "Planet Spirit Medicine", will share his journey into Shamanism, and how he came to work with the Spirits of Plants to heal body, mind, and spirit. He studied herbalism in the 60s, earned a Masters Degree in Acupuncture in the 70s, and went on to apprentice for many years with Huichol Shaman Don Guadelupe Gonzalos Rios in Mexico. He was initiated by Don Guadalupe to be a guide to Shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition.

This week we will be discussing Spiritual Transformation and the Shamanic rites of "Munay-Ki" with my special guest Rev. Bonny Hughes. The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet,  one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. Bonny is an Ordained Spiritual Minister and Spiritual Counselor.

To speak of God as She in today's society is regarded as either brazen feminism or the deliberate reformation efforts of religious liberals. However, the tradition of the feminine aspect of divinity has a long history. Our planet has a need to reinstate a sense of the "Goddess" for within it, is the nurturing principle of the female that is needed to help guide our way through the maze of accelerated change which surrounds us. My guest today is Iyale the founder of Harmony Pathways, her work affirms, illuminates, celebrates and honors the Spirit of women and all humanity.