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Sound Healing with David Gibson

Sound Healing with David Gibson

Nature, communing with Nature, communing with Animals. Flow Systems we are apart of!

This year I am starting up a year long course in soil health and care. This will not only cover the basics of what it takes to have healthy soil but I will also cover diseases, pests as well as the usual things like rock dust, minerals, microbials, Brix, refractometer use.

Part two with Rupert Harris on amazing facts regarding what really goes on with Africa's wildlife. He really reveals the wisdom of each and every creature, paving the way for you to reach an harmonious connection with mother earth. If you're looking for a combination of adventure, nature, enlightenment and the appreciation of all the creatures of mother earth, doing a tour with Rupert is one of the best ways I can suggest to experience all of this.

A two part series with Rupert Harris on amazing facts regarding what really goes on with Africa's wildlife. He really reveals the wisdom of each and every creature, paving the way for you to reach an harmonious connection with mother earth. If you're looking for a combination of adventure, nature, enlightenment and the appreciation of all the creatures of mother earth, doing a tour with Rupert is one of the best ways I can suggest to experience all of this.

This interview will be about the fascinating science of Animal Intelligence, Emotion, Friendship, and Conservation.

Ed "Eagle Man" McGaa is a famous Oglala Souix living on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He flew 110 combat missions in Vietnam, and received eight air medals, was awarded two Crosses of Galantry, and was recommended for a Distinguished Flying Cross. He earned a Bacheler's Degree from St. John's University and a law degree from the University of South Dakota. He studied with two Holy Men, Chief Eagle Feather, and Chief Fool's Crow, and has participated in six Sun Dances.

Listen to Vincent and Claudia Pinto who operate Raven's Way Wild Journeys in the Sky Island region of SE Arizona. They teach many classes from Stone-Age and Wilderness Survival Skills to Environmental Stewardship, and reconnecting with nature amid the beauty and grandeur of an inland Archipelago where several biological provinces overlap creating an explosion of life found nowhere else on the planet.

ELIOT COWAN, author of "Planet Spirit Medicine", will share his journey into Shamanism, and how he came to work with the Spirits of Plants to heal body, mind, and spirit. He studied herbalism in the 60s, earned a Masters Degree in Acupuncture in the 70s, and went on to apprentice for many years with Huichol Shaman Don Guadelupe Gonzalos Rios in Mexico. He was initiated by Don Guadalupe to be a guide to Shamanic apprentices in the Huichol tradition.

CAROLINE talks today about the true essence of Shamanism, and its relationship to religion. Among the wisdom traditions, Shamanism is the premier method of bringing body, mind, and spirit into balance, and restoring power, health, and harmony to a person's life as well as to Mother Nature, and all our relations. It has been praised and vilified, misunderstood and condemned, but it has survived and weathered the test of time for over 40,000 years.

This week we will be discussing Spiritual Transformation and the Shamanic rites of "Munay-Ki" with my special guest Rev. Bonny Hughes. The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet,  one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas. Bonny is an Ordained Spiritual Minister and Spiritual Counselor.