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FALLEN: The Story of the Vancouver Four
by Kevin Annett 
Amazon, 2017
Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

Jordan and Corey recap current events, major weather war action, and feature a special emergency broadcast report from Kevin Annett (exposer of vatican, queen, and canada genocidal activities).

Later in the show, we speak about the Harvey/Irma Geoengineering. Special cameo from past guest Johnny Delirious who connects a few dots for us.

Pierce the Veil, and the Truth will Reveal itself.

Piercing the Veil with Jordan-Michael

[Special Guest: Rev. Kevin Annett]

A groundbreaking episode of piercing the veil awaits you here. It was an honor to host Rev. Kevin Annett, the man leading the charge against the evils of religious and state sponsored human trafficking/ritual killings. Many of Kevin's close friends and acquaintances have given their lives in their pursuit of truth and justice.

Find Out More About Kevin Here:

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett

Sanctions against Canada and its churches: An Appeal to World Leaders

Sunday, September 11 @ 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, 10 pm GMT on

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett
This Sunday August 06 on Radio Free Kanata:

Freeing our Minds to Reclaim our Nations: Lessons from Cult Ritual Survivors

on at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern time

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett

Our Lessons and Victories: A Dialogue with Kevin Annett", Part Two​

Breaking from the System

A re-broadcast of October 04, 2015 podcast Titled: The Global Agenda and Pope Bergoglio

Common Law, Radio Free Kanata and The Pennsylvania Putsch – An Appeal
The Oyster World
 January 7, 2017  
 Volume IV, #47  
by William S. Annett  

Four historic books published during 2016 are promoted in this broadcast by their author, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Kevin Annett. Their topics are Genocide in Canada, the story behind the campaign that forced out that truth, How to be a Whistle Blower, and a satirical look at Canadian history. All are available at moderate prices ($20 and under) through and

The most abhorrent conspiracy is that against children. No one has done more than Kevin Annett to shine uncompromising light on this uncomfortable subject.

Kevin, a former United Church minister, and the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) have demonstrated that the Vatican embodies and protects not just a few bad-apple pedophiles, but has institutionalized ritual child abuse and, in Canada, the US, and around the world, has overseen the mass murder of indigenous tribal children, mainly through Church-run orphanages.