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Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet we talk about Time and Consciousness.  Clock Time is artificial, the circadian rhythm of our bodies go by the sun and moon and season Clock time wasn’t even aligned amongst cities until the advent of railroads. Daylight savings time artificially changes our schedule. Jet lag comes from from taking our physical bodies faster than they can travel on their own to places around the world.
Consciousness transcends time and space yet manifests through form.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Weather and Consciousness.  We're in that time of year when seasons are changing. Some people are experiencing depression, others are experiencing renewed light. Joan and Janet talk about how to having 'inner sunshine', to fan one's internal flames regardless of the external environment.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Jane discuss Self Love and Consciousness. How to find it by going within, into Heart Space. Being Present, the inner gremlins go quiet and it is easy to Love onesellf. Loving *as* Consciousness there are no limits or judgements. Join us for an inner journey into infinite Love!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Sexuality, Gender and Consciousness. There are no rights no wrongs in Consciousness, only distinctions. The old definitions of sexuality and gender are collapsing as we collectively evolve to a higher level. Individuals are questioning their identities as they expand beyond past limitations. Consciousness views this all with warmth, and supportive non judgment.  In a state of grace there is only Consciousness expressing.

Today Joan and Janet talk about "emotions and Consciousness."  Emotions - what are they? Why do we have them? How to enjoy them?  How, as Consciousness, do we experience them?

We love to hear from you!  Email us your questions and topics to talk about and we'll include them in the show!

Today, on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet we talk about Love and heart space. In Heart Space you can experience the infinite and expansive Love of Consciousness They are joined by  Emily Potter, musician and Matrix practitioner. Emily had a powerful experience of Love with a man she only knew telepathically.

She is celebrating Valentine's Day for the whole month of February performing a True Love Tour up the West Coast of the US.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about 'dancing to your inner drummer.'  Rather than following other's drumbeat, to create your own rhythm.  Focus inside to tune into Unified Consciousness.  In Heart Space there is no judgment, no agendas.  There is vast awareness in the stillness within.  The planet is one of diversity and dichotomy and as Consciousness we deliberately created it to play in, to experience the opposite of who we really are!

Today, on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about the New Language of Consciousness. Many of us don't have the words to describe what is happening as we go through this collective identity shift.  As we view and experience the world as Consciousness, we are all becoming more psychic, intuitive, sensitive. We need to upgrade our definitions of growth and change.  It is all about centering and accessing information from within. Join Joan and Janet as they explore ways to redefine our own senses of self!

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, Joan and Janet talk about time and space and imagination! What if your imagination was really information in alternate realities waiting to be brought into your current one? What if it is only information separated by a different sensory mechanism? What if our language limits access to what is always within the field of the heart?  "Time and Space are not linear, they bend and distort in the presence of matter and energy" ~ Neil DeGrass Tyson

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, we talk about Involution and Evolution! We have different ways of experiencing Consciousness and Janet uses a new way for us to play in Heart Space with this topic.  Evolution is the body/personality’s experience of raising it’s vibration to become more aware.  Involution is Consciousness, the Essence of who we really, expressing itself into form.  We talk about not being attached to our past stories, to approach life as an improvisation rather than a script.  What is potential?