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Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle interviewing Joan Newcom and Janet Barrett

Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Love as Consciousness. Consciousness is immense, and neutral. Love as Consciousness is unconditional. Consciousness provides new definitions for what love really is.

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Service and Contribution. As Consciousness we are naturally generous, we desire to contribute to the reality we are creating.  How do we give or contribute as Consciousness in form? How do we come from a balanced perspective when doing so?

Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Appreciation, Receiving, Allowing, and Having.  As Consciousness, money is an expression of energy flow.  How is your energy flowing regarding your wealth and prosperity?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Prosperity and Abundance from the perspective of Consciousness! As Consciousness there is no limitation or lack. Join us in Heart Space and feel as if you've won Power Ball!

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about New Year’s Resolutions as Consciousness. How different would yours be if they were from a sense of self worth and non-judgementalness?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Cycles and Completions as Consciousness!  We’re coming to the end of the year, it’s a nature ending to a cycle, and an opportunity to complete. What are you ready to let go of? What do you want to plan to start?

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Families and Consciousness!  How to respond as Consciousness with our families and loved ones. During the coldest and darkest time of year, how to respond with warmth, light and love?

Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Holidays as Consciousness!  How to respond as Consciousness amidst family and cultural expectations. During the coldest and darkest time of year, how to resonate the warmth, light and abundance that is the real reason for the season!

Living Your Passion ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

So many of us end up in jobs that pay the bills but we feel dissatisfied. Our soul yearns for more. Or we end up at the end of a career saying, 'finally, I can do what I love to do - if I only knew what that is'!

That's because, from the moment we're born, we're looked at as blank slates to be written on or lumps of clay to be moulded. We're not recognized as Consciousness, our Essence is not seen.  In actuality, we are treasure chests of potential.