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What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session centered around concepts: how this polarized reality manifested out of one, how the personal self was born with in one and how the Eternal exists outside any form of one. You'll want to listen to this session multiple times, as it is multi layered in the understandings it brings forward. 

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session centered around a reminder of some of the SCSA teachings and an explanation by Shusara of how to walk those teachings out into the world. Also one of our listeners called in to ask a question about how energy becomes disqulaified and its relation to the chakras. Shusara encouraged everyone to take the teachings that she gives on air and begin applying them in their lives. It's all about the application.

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Who are the Blue Starborn & the Cosmic Essene?

The universe is calling and there are many who are connecting! Sri & Kira share vast information about our divine connection with the Blue Starborn and unravel the mystery of the Cosmic Essene.

Were they the same as the Essene that walked at the time of Jesus?

Does all of humanity have Cosmic origin?

The Good News with Reverend Joseph Caesar

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

"The Path Less Traveled"

Like Robert Frost's poem, the spiritual seeker must determine the path they will go follow. An important question to contemplate is why you are doing the spiritual work you have chosen. What do you desire to gain from it? Are you willing to commit to the work involved in your chosen path? The path of dissolution work is certainly the one less traveled but as in the poem, it makes "all the difference." Listen closely to this session as Shusara discusses deep and mind bending truths about who you are and the reality you experience.

The Good News with Reverend Joseph Caesar