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Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Communication was the topic of tonight's session. While the subject matter seems simple enough the human mind is subtly addicted to self serving communication and it has to be seen clearly through inner work. Shusara used several examples to illustrate why miscommunication occurs and why it is so prevalent. One of the key teachings, the super-imposition of the unreal upon the real, was explained during this session. Don't underestimate the power of this program. he practical knowledge and ensuing application of these teachings is priceless.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session began with an explanation of how the energy of identification wraps around the heart and constricts it. Shusara encourages everyone to explore this energy in their bodies and look for how subtle it can be. PielleAyan posed a question about who we are as Awareness itself which led into a discussion about the personal self, the objective observer and what witnesses both. The Tim shared his experience with seeing how lessons get brought to you in the outside world when you don't address them from within.

What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session revolved around attachment and how all attachments need to be released on the spiritual path. PielleAyan shared a personal story of how she had been locked in her concept of service and belief in her level of readiness to step up her service. It took having things "taken away" from her in her world for her to begin to see what was really at play. Shusara also spoke about how people get addicted to feeling good and their attachments to those things keep them stuck and can be difficult to see because the mind hides them. Resistance can be easier to see.

What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session centered around concepts: how this polarized reality manifested out of one, how the personal self was born with in one and how the Eternal exists outside any form of one. You'll want to listen to this session multiple times, as it is multi layered in the understandings it brings forward. 

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session centered around a reminder of some of the SCSA teachings and an explanation by Shusara of how to walk those teachings out into the world. Also one of our listeners called in to ask a question about how energy becomes disqulaified and its relation to the chakras. Shusara encouraged everyone to take the teachings that she gives on air and begin applying them in their lives. It's all about the application.