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Tony Alamo

True love is the keeping of God's commandments. Who are these devils in the Vatican that are telling us to do something anti-Bible, antichrist?

Tony Alamo

People ask how do we get to the throne of God, the Bible tells us that the Lord is in us, in our hearts, so He is sitting on the throne of our hearts if we are really born of the Spirit. Pray always.

Tony Alamo

All of you that think Jesus is sweet Jesus; I know that you don't know the Lord and you don't read the Bible.

Tony Alamo

The Bible says that we are all the body of Christ; no one is going to hate their own body or a body part. We're not to hate any member of the Lord's body.

Tony Alamo

We should follow the Lord with more zeal than those following the devil.

Breaking the Silence with Dr Gregory Williams

Breaking The Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams and guest Rocky Malloy, Founder and CEO of Mission Generation

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Lana and David speak to Share International spokesperson Dick Larson about the reappearance of Maitreya the World Teacher. 

Joseph 'Five Eagles' Reyna is the author of Incredulous, a tale connecting the dots between the life of Jesus, Judas Iscariot, the Cathars, Templars, Earth's tumultuous galactic history and the high tech of 'black goo' and 'Blue Apples'. Incredulous has been called a "prequel to The Da Vinci Code," but goes far beyond Dan Brown in its revelations and in the galactic and epochal scale of its historical content.

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar