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Comey has to be arrested and tried for many crimes. Comey up to his neck in Clintons.

A family cannot even go for ice cream in Iraq without becoming a victim to islamic jihad

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan

The Metaphysical Hour with Dolores Cannon 

Date: December 2, 2005  

    * Introductory comments 
    * Dolores's trip to Dubai (2:00) 
    * Metaphysical information scarce in Dubai (3:44) 
    * Dolores's flight; night overflight of Iraq (7:10) 
    * Messages concerning travel come to Dolores through her clients (9:10) 

VINCENT BUGLIOSI - legendary prosecuting attorney, author of numerous books, speaks about his film documentary The Prosecution of an American President based upon his book.  Bugliosi goes into the evidence justifying his argument for the criminal prosecution of President George Bush.

EDWARD PECK - Former US Ambassador discusses American foreign policies focusing on the Middle East and the current situation with Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Israel and Palestine.

Edward Peck served as Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (U. Alexis Johnson) in the Nixon Administration, January 1971. He was Chief of Mission in Baghdad (Iraq, 1977 to 1980) in the Carter Administration and later held senior posts in Washington and abroad. He also served as a Foreign Service Officer in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt, and as Ambassador in Mauritania.

Norman G. Finkelstein received his doctorate in 1988 from the Department of Politics at Princeton University.  For many years he taught political theory and the Israel-Palestine conflict.   He currently writes and lectures.  In this episode of The People Speak, Dr. Finkelstein discusses the impending military intervention in Syria by the United States and  circumstances leading up to this situation and beyond.