Tonight's session centered around two of Shusara's recent blog posts on The Risk of Spiritual Sunburn and Easy is Not an Option. PielleAyan asked about the apparent contradiction between the messages of each. In one the message was a warning to take your spiritual work slowly, and not pushing for more than what's needed, and in the other Shusara made it clear that you must forge ahead willingly in your work and not be complacent.
Shusara spends time tonight in reference to channeling by Kryon. The reality of "History Energy" is changing and those who do dissolution work are facilitating that change. It is of the utmost imortance that seekers recognize that everything is God... even within polarization. It's all a matter of degrees, not black and white. Shusara also addresses how students of the work bring their understandings into their lives. Them just living their lives from deeper understandings IS their spiritual path and they can be of service to the collective regardless of what they do in the world.
The title for tonight's session is "The Complicity in Complacency." Shusara speaks directly to advanced seekers about how they are held accountable for their choices and actions after coming into deeper spiritual understandings. This is not meant as punishment but as a vital step in their path toward increasing mastery. PielleAyan shares her own recent experience. In this Shusara adds another example to illustrate how the universe will rearrange itself based on where you are functioning from.
Tonight's session began with focusing on the difference between mental belief/understanding and experiential Knowing. The importance of clarity in one's speech and in one's understanding was addressed by Shusara and PielleAyan added a personal example of how you can't be in the present moment when an internal story is running.
After a brief discussion about the current changes in energy, tonight's session began with Shusara retelling the story of the Silent Sage and then expounding on it's meaning. Shusara shared personal stories tonight about mind using Truth as something to identify with and also about the illusion of death. Her stories point to deeper experiences all will have along their journey home.
Tonight's session begins with a brief discusion about the current energies and how we are witnessing the dissolution in our personal lives, within the collective and in the Earth as well. PielleAyan asks for clarification on the comment from last weeks session that withought thought there is no lower mind. Shusara talks about the sliding scale of mind from lower to higher and how we move along that scale all the time without realizing it. We look specifically at the Christ and how it moves in the world. At the end Shusara shares a poignant story about the state of enlightenment.
Shusara begins this session with addressing the need of the seeker to walk their spiritual talk. Too many seekers have conceptual understandings but do not strive to live them in their daily lives. You are here at this time to move into greater and greater levels of mastery and this can only be demonstrated by how you live in the world.
Shusara begins this session by discussing the importance of having the seeker ask that his/her objective observer come into being. The session focuses on the role of the observer and it's paramount importance to dissolution work. The trials and tribulations of the personal self are not experienced by the observer. Moving deeper into to objective observer allows the seeker to witness and dissect the patterning of the personal self without any attachment to its story.
Tonight's session began with the patterning example of a person who believes that whatever they say it won't be good enough. Shusara expanded on where that comes from, and SCSA's Meghan, told her story of how this pattern just showed up in her life at work. Shusara took the opprtunity to challenge Meghan on what she continues to believe about the story. Then Shusara read a quote from Byron Katie and the group discussed different levels of truth present within the statement. Listen carefully... there's a lot to it!
Tonight's session came back to the topic of choice. Shusara spent time focusing on how just seeing the trigger and the patterning is not enough to resolve it. It is imperative at this time that people take responisbility for their daily choices. The time has come to stop functioning from reactive mind and move into choices made from the objective space of the Christ. Reaction never leads to right action. Several examples were give to further illustrate tonight's topic.