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Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

Frank Joseph on LiFEChanges With Filippo - Monday, November 4, 2013

Was America truly unknown to the outside world until Christopher Columbus "discovered" it in 1492?  Ancient civilizations researcher Frank Joseph reveals fascinating evidence from his new book The Lost Colonies of Ancient America: A Comprehensive Guide to the Pre-Columbian Visitors Who Really Discovered America.

Could a people gifted enough to raise the Great Pyramid 4,000 years ago have lacked the skills necessary to build a ship capable of crossing the Atlantic?

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

Faith & belief are two words that seem to go hand-in-hand. Margaret has chosen to research the various cultures and their belief systems, sharing the various perceptions that they have evolved through.  Many people are restructuring their understandings in amazing ways. We'll find out more when we chat with Margaret Johnston.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

We'll be discussing the rite of passage most men must go through before they actually become mature adults.  The role of the male has been redefined .... or has it?  Let's find out.

We' ll be discussing this comprehensive guide to the pre-columbian visitors that discovered America. Fascinating archeological finds.  Don't miss this!

This  book is awesome. Fashionistas, genealogist, costume designers, social historians and many more would love this publication.  Fashion...what determines the changes? This is loaded with amazing information. Join us.