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Bringing Intimacy Back with Dr April Brown and Dr Kelly

Dr. April and Dr. Kelly discuss their thoughts on how comedy can bring people closer

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we’re not only talking about change, but we're talking about changing it up around the world!


I invite you to ask yourself this question - what is it that you're dying to do? What's that kind of crazy thing that you've always thought about trying, but then decided it would be too irresponsible or maybe even impossible?

Change It Up with Paula Shaw

Today we discuss what you need to know now that we are living longer and what this means when planning for the future.


Financial consultant, Cheri Blair, and Insurance agent, Roshanak Clune, join the show today to share important advice about financial literacy, retirement, Medicare, and making money last.


Transition Radio Show with Ken D Foster and Paula Shaw

Today we discuss transitions in politics as well as health, happiness, and improving relationships.


Our first guest, Senator Steven Thayn, talks about education and healthcare in the USA, empowering individuals over institutions, and improving access to primary care.

This issue is the federal government controlling a private industry which is unconstitutional. The GOP transfers penalties from the IRS and to the private insurance companies. This is collusion. 

Ted Cruz wants a fund, paid for by the tax payers, to give to insurance companies to lower premiums for people who cannot afford to pay full price. 

This is Communism. 

Title: Healthcare Repeal Scam right up to the White House  

Promises to repeal Obamacare are not being kept. Once government intrudes in our lives, they never let go. The federal government, no matter who is in control, still wants to control to our detriment. 

This Sunday Maria and I will be reviewing what's been going on around the world such as Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin; the G-20 Summit meeting in Hamburg, Germany; US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement; tensions with North Korea; current Healthcare Plan concerns and the on-going 'Tweets' that are rocking the nation! Join us for these and other current events!

Health Disclosure with Adam Masters, banner

Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!

Health Disclosure with Adam Masters, banner

Health Disclosure - Sequence to Obesity and Disease with Adam Masters on BBS Radio!