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Carla Fox returns with updates on the metaphysical aspects of our journey here.  New information on our DNA, mind control, 5G, other dimensional entities and much more!

Mary Rodwell talks about the new kids, which is the subject of The New Human - Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage.  Her many interviews reveal hundreds of alien/ET interventions, abductions, teachings and guidance.  Many came in from other dimensions, such as the 9th, with skilsets far beyond the archaic knowledge we consider "cutting edge".  They come in to shift the world, and one says they estimate 95 to 100% success - this time!

Alfred Lambremonte Webre returns to share new information about the secret space program, the Multiverse, the Omniverse, the Spiritual Dimensions, the Mars and the Moon Bases, the Breakaway Civilization, the negative timeline which represents the Dracos, Grays and A.I. vs. the Positive timeline many awake and aware humans are presently creating.  There is a predatory form of advanced A.I. from the Dracos, which is called the "Red Queen".