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Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: Entities, earthbound spirits, & extraterrestrials

Feeling separated or disconnected, sometimes we feel the need to call in company.

Ataana Healing Method, energy healing, feeling alone, abandoned, rejected, disconnected, filling unoccupied space, helplessness, depression, source light connection, re-negotiate agreements, energy work

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Grant Cameron is easily considered the world's leading expert on the connection between the extraterrestrial issue and the tenure of U.S. Presidents. He is currently producing an ongoing narrative on the leaked emails of John Podesta (Hillary’s campaign manager) and the government plans for UFO Disclosure. 

Alexandra Meadors engages in a very enlightening conversation with the multi-dimensional and dynamic Michael Ellegion, as he reflects on his conscious memories of being a child Contactee in 1959 and the synchronicities that unfolded with those that he would later meet in Ufology. He explores how that the early trailblazers in Ufology actually confirmed his conscious recall of being on the ships at a young age and his memories of being present at the Councils.

Alexandra Meadors and Johnny Alpha continue with the interview where they go into great depths regarding his Mars missions beginning in the '70's prior to the official "Secret Space Program."

Alexandra Meadors and Johnny Alpha go into great depths regarding his Mars missions beginning in the '70's prior to the official "Secret Space Program."

Another info-packed interview between Alexandra Meadors and Randy Cramer. This 2 hour exchange reviews all sorts of current events on the ground and in space.

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Interview with guest Timothy Green Beckley, UFO researcher

Finally an interview that many of you have been asking for! Jerry Yusko, an expert medical intuitive, and Alexandra Meadors, a master alchemist, review everything to do with implants, the types he encounters, where he finds them, where they come from, how they are related to cellular memory, and how they involve the soul and the DNA. This is such a great discussion that really brings forth so much clarity to why the implant removal series is such an important step in your evolution and ascension.

Barbara Lamb and Alexandra Meadors review the fascinating subject of crop circles and how they are created. Barbara is a master researcher of these gifts to the world, sharing everything from their energies, shapes, and messages to the world. Having visited some 1300 crop circles around the world, Barbara provides an enlightening assessment of what these crop circles involve and how even the "human" hoaxers who make crop circles provide a service to us all!

Jay Essex and Alexandra Meadors interview Part 2! This covers a mixture of topics about our matrix and the differences between the dimensions. Jay shares some interesting perspectives on the angelic realm, ascended masters, and galactic brothers and sisters, really defining the differences between them and us. Again, there is just too much to list but you should get a chuckle out of some of our time together.

The views and opinions expressed herein are those of person(s) interviewed and do not necessarily reflect those of Alexandra Meadors and Galactic Connection.