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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta

Ascension Flu, Mary Magdalene, Yeshua Ben-Yosef, Apocalypse, Lazarus, Star Seeds, ET's, Christ Consciousness, Reincarnation, Reptilians, Drecos, Dismantling Matrix, Timelines, Current Events. The energies on planet earth are explosive at the moment. Major changes are underway!! Kimberly Palm channels Yeshua & Mary Magdalene.

Part 2 of this amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got it done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.

Alexandra Meadors and Will Berlinghof share an amazing interview reviewing current events around the world and what we can look forward to with Wave X's arrival September 28th and 29th. We knew this was an important interview as the first one was "erased" by the government goons! So after five plus hours, we finally got 'er done. You will hear all sorts of details on how one channels, psy-ops through channeling, and how Cosmic Awareness finally shared Itself through Will as its conduit.

Alexandra Meadors goes solo this week with a full recap of her adventures up at ECETI's conference over the 4th of July weekend. She reviews not only what occurred before leaving for the conference, but what ended up developing into another significant mission for Mother Earth and beyond! Alexandra shares the details of this mission and the emergence of The Universal Brotherhood of Oneness to create total harmonic convergence of Light.

Stephen Bassett and Alexandra Meadors cover a wide array of topics regarding the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Find out how our political history in 1947, 1964, and 2001 all played a role in why the US Military Intelligence Complex still ignores the existence of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

Part 1 : Stephen Bassett and Alexandra Meadors cover a wide array of topics regarding the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Find out how our political history in 1947, 1964, and 2001 all played a role in why the US Military Intelligence Complex still ignores the existence of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

We'll be discussing how Deborah became acquainted with some very special people, experiences and much more.  These experiences have changed her life in some powerful ways.